Reading Archives (Author)

Roses & Thorns


The handsome, smiling, humbly-clad man they called U.G. sat relaxed and friendly before me. Intent upon using my visit to get straight answers, I hurled at him my first question: "Are there any boo...

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4K reads

Spiritual Materialism


Whatever you want, even the so-called spiritual goals, is materialistic in value. What, if I may ask, is so spiritual about it? If you want to achieve a spiritual goal, the instrument you use will be...

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4K reads

A Living Silence


How can you understand silence -- chaotic or otherwise? Is it possible for you to capture that silence? When that silence starts operating through you, it is something extraordinary, something vital ...

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4K reads

To Be Yourself


You always want to be somebody else, you want to imitate the life of somebody else -- you want to imitate the life of Jesus, you want to imitate the life of Buddha, you want to imitate the life of Sha...

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6K reads


U.G. Krishnamurti

The natural state is not a 'thoughtless state' -- but in this state thought stops choking you; it falls into its natural rhythm. There is no longer a 'you' who reads the thoughts and thinks that the...

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12K reads

Search For Answers

U2 (the band)

Lead singer (of U2) Bono puts it this way: "There are two types of performers. There are performers that lay claim to their music as being - you know, that great music is just a reflection of their g...

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8K reads

Clues On Higher Ground


Moon and stars sit way up high Earth and trees beneath them lie The wind blows fragrant lullaby To cool the night for you and I On the wing the birds fly free Leviathan tames angry sea The flowe...

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23K reads, 9 comments

Why Do We Shout In Anger?


A saint who was once visiting a river to take a bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples, smiled and asked. 'Why do people ...

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150K reads, 77 comments

When Winnie The Pooh Was Scared


“Piglet” said Pooh. “Yes,” said Piglet. “I’m scared,” said Pooh. For a moment there was silence. “Would you like to talk about it,” asked Pigle...

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34K reads, 28 comments

The Way of the Water

Ursula LeGuin

We have glamorized the way of the warrior for millennia. We have identified it as the supreme test and example of courage, strength, duty, generosity, and manhood. If I turn from the way of the warrio...

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74K reads, 19 comments

Communication As Mutual Entrainment

Ursula LeGuin

Every act of communication is an act of tremendous courage in which we give ourselves over to two parallel possibilities: the possibility of planting into another mind a seed sprouted in ours and watc...

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31K reads, 8 comments