Reading Archives (Author)

Experiential Wisdom

S. N. Goenka

"What is wisdom? Wisdom means right understanding. Knowledge of superficial, apparent truth is not true wisdom. In order to understand the ultimate truth, we must penetrate apparent...

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13K reads

The Real Addiction

S.N. Goenka

When we talk of addiction, it is not merely to alcohol or to drugs, but also to passion, to anger, to fear, to egotism: all these are addictions. All these are addictions to your impurities. And a...

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9K reads

Universality Is Not An Idea, It Is Reality

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

The word “yoga” essentially means, “that which brings you to reality”. Literally, it means “union.” Union means it brings you to the ultimate reality, where individ...

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17K reads, 8 comments

Nine Wisdom Steps From Spiritual Traditions

Sage Bennet

Each of the first eight [wisdom steps] introduces you to a different spiritual tradition -- Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Native American spirituality, Taoism, and New Thought -- a...

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16K reads, 2 comments

Image of Myself

Sailor Bob

If the river is flowing and I pull a bucket of water out, as soon as you’ve got the bucket of water out of the river, that water is dead, its finished, and the river is left behind. That’s wha...

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4K reads

The Difficult People In Your Life

Sally Kempton

We don’t always know why difficult people show up in our lives. There are some good theories about it, of course.  Jungians, along with most contemporary spiritual teachers, tell us that AL...

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30K reads, 6 comments

Emotions for Liberation

Sally Kempton

Many years ago, I walked into the kitchen of my guru’s ashram, and found him shouting at the cooks. Force- waves of anger were bouncing around the room, almost visible to the naked eye. Then, in...

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41K reads, 26 comments

Transforming 'Some Scars'

Sally Kempton

The Sanskrit word "samskara" can be translated just the way it sounds in English: as'some scars." Samskaras are energy patterns in our consciousness. I always picture them as mental grooves, like the ...

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5K reads


Salvador Poe

If I had to define liberation, I’d say, “It’s the reconciliation that, what is, is.” In that, there is no one here to argue. (Read that again.) Liberation is not a new ...

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18K reads, 19 comments

To Know Your Mind, Pay Close Attention To It

Sam Harris

Certain rare and wonderful experiences are possible. But this is all we need, to take “spirituality” (the unavoidable term for this project of self-transcendence) seriously. [...] We sp...

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25K reads, 4 comments

The Gift Of Threshold Moments

Sam Keen

The thrush’s song belongs to a family of experiences that usher us into a threshold where sound trails off into silence, time disappears into timelessness, and the known world is engulfed by the...

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23K reads, 8 comments

Stumble but Continue Walking

Samuel Johnson

Suppose that a half dozen of us are seated around the walls of a very dark room. We are told that somewhere in the open middle space is a chair. Who would find it? Not those of us who sat still an...

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4K reads

Medicine for the Earth

Sandra Ingerman

In all spiritual traditions it is taught that everything that manifests in the physical world starts in the invisible realms of spirit. We must remember that a baby grows in the womb. Trees and pla...

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42K reads, 11 comments

Be Cool to the Pizza Dude

Sarah Adams

If I have one operating philosophy about life it is this: “Be cool to the pizza delivery dude; it’s good luck.” Four principles guide the pizza dude philosophy. Principle 1: Cooln...

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27K reads, 11 comments

Serenity not Security

Sarah Ban Breathnach

Has this ever happened to you? You pick up a book and a sentence leaps off the page as if it had been written just for you. Or you hear a revelation in the lyrics of a song. Sometimes an angel seems...

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4K reads

A Hero's Journey

Satish Kumar

A hero is not a special kind of person; every person is a special kind of hero when he or she is without fear. Every life is a hero's journey. When I trust in the universe, I am not afraid to take r...

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4K reads

The Spirit Of Gift

Satish Kumar

We have learned much from the native Americans, the Australian Aboriginals, the indigenous people of India (adivasis) and the Bushmen of Africa. We have been guided by Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Mohamm...

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32K reads, 12 comments

Beyond Good and Evil

Satish Kumar

Performing penance as a monk, experiencing ecstasy in love, engaging in evolutionary land reform, walking for world peace, being imprisoned in France, facing a bullet in America . the many dimensions...

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4K reads

Going Into the Unknown

Satish Kumar

Going into the unknown world and confronting it without a penny in our pockets had meant that differences between rich and poor, educated and illiterate, all vanished; and beneath all these divisions...

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5K reads

Thousand Branches, Million Plums

Satish Kumar

As a seed is capable of becoming a tree, all human beings are also capable of realizing their own full potential. In order for the seed to become a tree it must be planted in the soil – underground...

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4K reads

Worms Are, Therefore I Am

Satish Kumar

Perhaps the reason that we do not get enough enlightenment these days is because we do not take the time to sit under a tree. To be an Earth Pilgrim is to revere Nature as our sacred home, and see ...

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24K reads, 13 comments

Indigenous Intelligence

Satish Kumar

My mother used to tell me a Jain story when I was a child: Adam was lost in the jungle, and there he encountered two wild elephants. They began to chase him. In order to escape from these frightening...

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12K reads, 14 comments

Fear and Love

Satish Kumar

Our lives are ruled by fear. Fear of death, fear of old age, fear of illness, fear of unemployment, fear of failure, fear of superiors, fear of inferiors, fear of responsibility, fear of committmen...

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5K reads

Science and Spirituality

Satish Kumar

Science without spirituality seeks to work mainly in human interest and gives birth to technologies of comfort and convenience, as well as control and consumerism. Science denuded of deep values and t...

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11K reads, 3 comments

Four B's Of Resilience And Worth

Saul Levine

One thing is certain: It is not the amount of accumulated material wealth, baubles and toys, which lead to self-appreciation and ease with one’s life. So, what is it? The genuine appreciation...

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14K reads, 6 comments


Scott Adams

"Have you ever been in traffic behind someone who doesn't move when the light turns green, so you honk your horn, then you realize the car is stalled and there is nothing the driver could've done?" ...

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3K reads

Nothing Else Matters

Scott Morrison

Stop dead in your tracks. It doesn’t matter at all, what you’ve ever done, or not done. It doesn’t matter how grandiose, self-centered, arrogant, or neurotic you’ve ever bee...

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88K reads, 38 comments

Time To Stop Pretending

Scott Morrison

It's time we stop pretending, subtly or overtly, that our particular group is superior in some way. That's a hidden way of saying, "I'm superior," (and therefore not inferior). Let's bring our wounde...

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4K reads

Very Simple

Scott Morrison

Earnestness is the key. Unconditional willingness. All you have to do is pay attention, be honest, and follow through. Truth is discovered when you simply refuse to lie to yourself anymore. Love is d...

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5K reads

Returning to the Root

Seng T'san

Let go of longing and aversion, and everything will be perfectly clear. When you cling to a hairbreadth of distinction, heaven and earth are set apart. If you want to realize the truth, don't be f...

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3K reads

Abandon Only What Is Not Yours

Shaila Catherine

The wise understand the importance of letting go -- even letting go of the things we strive for and attain. Meditative training is more about letting go than it is about attaining levels of absorption...

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17K reads, 7 comments

The Opponent Relationship Is Not A Contest

Shannon Lee

What is combat, after all, but an intense relationship? Your opponent attempts to block and counter every strike you throw as well as land strikes of his own, which he will do in direct response to th...

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10K reads, 15 comments

What Do I Really Need Right Now?

Sharon Salzberg

An essential question we might ask ourselves is, 'What do I really need right now, in this moment, to be happy?' The world offers us many answers to that question: You need a new car and a new...

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47K reads, 21 comments

Faith: Deepening our Power to Inquire

Sharon Salzberg

With faith we can draw near to the truth of the present moment, which is dissolving into the unknown even as we meet it. We open up to what is happening right now in all its mutability and evanescence...

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10K reads, 2 comments

Rebel For A Good Cause

Sharon Salzberg

A friend of mine, at the end of a retreat, offered a provocative reflection that intrigued and inspired me. After looking intensively at her inner experience for nine days of meditation and seeing ma...

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9K reads, 9 comments

I Have What You Need

Sharon Salzberg

In the old city section of Jerusalem, there is a wonderful open-stall marketplace. It is a place teeming with life—a deluge of sights and sounds and goods for sale. When I was teaching in Israel...

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10K reads, 17 comments

Counting On Our Ultimate Concern

Sharon Salzberg

The offering of one's heart happens in stages, with shadings of hesitation and bursts of freedom. Faith evolves from the first intoxicating blush of bright faith to a faith that is verified through ou...

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15K reads

How Generosity Leads to Awakening

Sharon Salzberg

The cultivation of generosity is the beginning of spiritual awakening. Generosity has tremendous force because it arises from an inner quality of letting go. Being able to let go, to give up, to renou...

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6K reads, 2 comments

How Generosity Blossoms Into Meditation

Sharon Salzberg

The cultivation of generosity is the beginning of the path. [...] The path begins there because of the joy that arises from a generous heart. Pure, unhindered delight flows freely when we practice gen...

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26K reads, 16 comments

Generosity Helps Us Accept Change

Sharon Salzberg

The aim of practicing generosity is twofold, or else it’s an incomplete experience. The first aim is to free our minds from the conditioned forces that bind and limit us. Craving, clinging an...

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17K reads, 6 comments

The Power of Patience

Sharon Salzberg

If we can be quieter, more in the moment with what is actually happening, a world of perception opens up for us based on where we are, not on where we one day hope to be. "Nobody sees a flower, r...

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38K reads, 27 comments

Force of Kindness

Sharon Shalzberg

Many of us long for an underlying sense of meaning, something we can still believe in no matter what happens to us, a navigational force to pull all the disparate pieces of our lives together into som...

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20K reads, 8 comments

The Capacity for Successful Solitude

Sherry Turkle

The capacity to be alone is the capacity to know enough about yourself and who you are, and be comfortable enough with that. That way, when you are with another person, you’re not trying to make...

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33K reads, 10 comments

The Test for Meditation in Action

Shinzen Young

When we first come into this life we form a self in order to cope with the world. The baby has a rather scant self and commensurately little ability to deal with the world. We develop a self to deal w...

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38K reads, 17 comments

Two Ways of Learning Relaxation

Shinzen Young

There are two ways of learning relaxation, because there are two distinct levels at which a person can relax. I speak of top-to-bottom relaxation versus bottom-to-top relaxation. "Top" refer...

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17K reads, 7 comments

Learning to Suffer More Effectively

Shinzen Young

Psychological grasping is your main source of suffering, not the  physical sensations in your legs -- that is to say, how much you are tightening psychologically around those sensations is the ma...

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17K reads, 6 comments

Three Stages Of Perceiving Impermanence

Shinzen Young

Impermanence is just appreciating the normal changing-ness of each experience at deeper levels of poignancy. One way to think about this is in terms of three aspects of impermanence: the trivial, the ...

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15K reads, 3 comments

Recycling Karmic Trash

Shinzen Young

It’s very common for people on a meditative or spiritual path to develop a kind of sensitivity to the poison and pain of others. Sometimes it’s formulated with the phrase “I pic...

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22K reads, 10 comments

Equanimity: the Radical Permission to Feel

Shinzen Young

Equanimity is a fundamental skill for self-exploration and emotional intelligence. It is a deep and subtle concept frequently misunderstood and easily confused with suppression of fee...

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29K reads, 7 comments

Addicted to Thinking

Shinzen Young

The issue is not so much the presence or absence of thought activity during meditation. Rather, the issue is the degree to which ones thought activity is driven, unconscious and fixated. The great m...

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9K reads

Share Pain Not Suffering

Shinzen Young

Just as insight has many facets, so also with service. I would like to talk about just one aspect -- compassion. Compassion is practiced in two ways: subtly and overtly. You can subtly serve any per...

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4K reads


Shunryu Suzuki

"A person who falls on earth, stumbling on a stone, will stand up by means of the same earth they fell on. You complain because you think earth is the problem, having caused your fall. Without the ...

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7K reads

Just Become A Swinging Door

Shunryu Suzuki

When we practice [meditation] our mind always follows our breathing. When we inhale, the air comes into our inner world. When we exhale, the air goes out to the outer world. The inner world is limitle...

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13K reads, 7 comments

Waves in the Mind

Shunryu Suzuki

When you are practicing meditation, do not try to stop your thinking. Let it stop by itself. If something comes into your mind, let it come in, and let it go out. It will not stay long. When you try...

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22K reads


Shunryu Suzuki

I went to Yosemite National Park, and I saw huge waterfalls. The highest one there is 1340 feet high, and from it water comes down like a curtain thrown from the top of the mountain. It does not se...

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6K reads

Zen Anecdotes

Shunryu Suzuki

~~One day I complained to Suzuki Roshi about the people I was working with. He listened intently. Finally, he said, "If you want to see virtue, you have to have a calm mind." ~~A student asked in d...

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9K reads

Live As You Like But Renounce Internally

Siddharameshwar Maharaj

Reality is without attributes: it is not color, it is not music, it is not yellow or black, etc. What you see is only the qualified consciousness just as you see that bangles or armlets are both made ...

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7K reads, 8 comments

Anyone Else Suffer From Active Laziness?

Sif Anna Dal

I was recently reading a book about a boy who becomes acquainted with philosophy through the need to answer questions about living and dying and the meaning of life after his mother is killed in a car...

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15K reads, 23 comments

Towards Coherence and Unity


If you believe that your life will end with death, what you think, feel, and do has no meaning. Everything will end with incoherence and disintegration. If you believe that your life does not end wit...

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4K reads

Two Stonemasons

Simon Senek

Consider the story of two stonemasons. you walk up to the first stonemason and ask, ‘Do you like your job?’ He looks up at you and replies, ‘I’ve been building this wall for as...

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12K reads, 21 comments

To Walk Unmasked

Sir John Wilson

To have tried on every mask and eventually to have confidence to walk unmasked. Having experienced many places to appreciate, in its infinite variety, one's own place. To achieve for one's depen...

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4K reads, 3 comments

Creating Welcoming Space

Sister Marilyn Lacey

One way of measuring whether our love is genuine, however, is to examine how far we've extended the boundaries that determine whom we are willing to be in relationship with. When these borders rea...

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27K reads, 23 comments

Technology of Meditation

Sogyal Rinpoche

When you read books about meditation, or often when meditation is is presented by different groups, much of the emphasis falls on the techniques. In the West, people tend to be very interested in th...

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4K reads

Active Laziness

Sogyal Rinpoche

How many of us are swept away by what I have come to call an "active laziness"? Naturally there are different species of laziness: Eastern and Western. The Eastern style consists of hanging out all...

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11K reads, 5 comments

Death Connects Us To Life

Somik Raha

Growing up with monastic teachings around the impermanence of life, I got the opportunity to apply them when my grandmother passed on, followed by my grandfather in quick succession. I told myself tha...

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21K reads, 18 comments

The Divine Superman

Sri Aurobindo

It has been well said by one who saw but through a veil and mistook the veil for the face, that thy aim is to become thyself; and he said well again that the nature of man is to transcend himself. Th...

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5K reads

Living Inward

Sri Aurobindo

To be and to be fully is Nature's aim in us; but to be fully is to be wholly conscious of one's being. This movement of going inward and living inward is a difficult task to lay upon the normal consci...

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7K reads

Moved by Love

Sri M

In the Himalayas, there lived an infamous bandit named Sultana, who plundered the caravans of rich pilgrims and looted resource-rich monasteries. The very mention of Sultana, it was said, made wealthy...

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19K reads, 15 comments

Be With the Storms

Sri Sri Ravishankar

How to free yourself from the grip of storms? This is the only basic problem in this universe. The first thing is to become aware of it and stop regretting it. Like waves come and go, storms in your l...

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20K reads, 12 comments

A Flower's Job Is To Bloom

Srikumar Rao

A powerful moment in My Fair Lady is when Henry Higgins's mother commiserates with a sobbing Eliza Dolittle. Eliza is distraught because Higgins did not congratulate her after an exemplary perform...

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10K reads, 21 comments

Serenity Prayer

St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is da...

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35K reads, 7 comments

Art And The Practice Of Being Yourself

Stanley Kunitz

There isn’t only one kind of artist in the world, one way of becoming an artist. There is, above all, a need to articulate your own source of being so you will recognize the source and know who ...

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29K reads, 35 comments

Blessings for Earth-Healers


We give thanks for all those who are moved, in their lives, to heal and protect the earth, in small ways and in large. Blessings on the composter, the gardeners, the breeders of worms and mushrooms, t...

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21K reads, 13 comments

Should We Spend Time Like Money?

Stefan Klein

Benjamin Franklin once said: time is money.  He meant this only as a gentle reminder not to "sit idle" for half the day. He might be dismayed if he could see how literally, and self-des...

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54K reads, 24 comments


Stefano Carnazzi

When a bowl, teapot or precious vase falls and breaks into a thousand pieces, we throw them away angrily and regretfully. Yet there is an alternative, a Japanese practice that highlights and enhances ...

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12K reads, 13 comments

Time Shifting vs Time Management

Stephan Rechtschaffen

"I've observed over the years that many people in our culture experience not having enough time in daily life. The feelings: frustration, anxiety, panic, pressure, stress. It...

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22K reads, 17 comments

Time-shifting Not Time-management

Stephan Rechtschaffen

"I've observed over the years that many people in our culture experience not having enough time in daily life. The feelings: frustration, anxiety, panic, pressure, stress. It's ...

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4K reads

The Glass is Already Broken

Stephen and Ondrea Levine

Once someone asked a well-known Thai meditation master, "In this world where everything changes, where nothing remains the same, where loss and grief are inherent in our very coming into existenc...

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48K reads, 31 comments

The Year-To-Live Experiment

Stephen Levine

I was fifty-eight years old when I began the year long experiment. When the Dalai Lama was fifty-eight years old, a reporter asked him what he was going to do next with his life. He answered that he w...

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10K reads, 3 comments

Love Is The Highest Form Of Acceptance

Stephen Levine

Love is the highest form of acceptance. Judgment is the mechanics of non-acceptance. Some may say that without “good judgment” there would be no “discriminating wisdom” but dis...

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12K reads, 12 comments

Forgiveness & Your Life's Unfinished Business

Stephen Levine

 As awareness becomes yet subtler, able to discern even the muffled whispers of the mind, we are confronted with what a dying musician friend called “the Unfinished Symphony” – ...

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22K reads, 13 comments

Beggarly, Friendly, And Kingly Giving

Stephen Levine

The greatest gift is the act of giving itself.  Traditionally, three kinds of giving are spoken of.  There is beggarly giving, which is when we give with only one hand, still holding onto wh...

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63K reads, 20 comments


Stephen Levine

"What most people call freedom is just the ability to satisfy desire. Many say, "I want more freedom" and what they mean is they want to be able to have more of what they want. But that is not free...

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4K reads

Fool Realization

Steve Bhaerman

In the Greek tradition, tragedies were four act plays that ended sadly and badly -- kind of like situation comedies without the laugh track. Comedies, on the other hand, had a fifth act where the...

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23K reads, 23 comments

Humor Is A Magical Interface

Steve Bhaerman

Humor is a magical interface between the logical and intuitive minds. Consequently, it has the power to bypass the left-brain’s linear gatekeepers and allow outside-the-box ideas to come in unde...

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13K reads, 2 comments

Be with the Magic

Steve Karlin

When animals look out of their eyes they don’t see what we see. Some of them see ultraviolet light, some of them can see very clearly for hundreds of yards, some of them can’t see further ...

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15K reads, 7 comments

Green Mountains Are Forever Walking

Subhana Barzaghi

I've been fascinated by this process of birth and death.  I was a midwife for seven years, delivering babies in the bush and it was always a great privilege and honor to be invited to a birth...

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15K reads, 5 comments

Tale of the Journeying Stream

Sufi Parable

A stream, from its course in far-off mountains, passing through every kind and description of countryside, at last reached the sands of the desert. Just as it had crossed every other barrier, the str...

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41K reads, 28 comments

Antithesis Of Addiction

Sukh Chugh

There is something deep within our nature. A guiding light if you will. A voice that always speaks of goodness. A voice that is always moving us towards more love, towards more life. Can we hear...

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9K reads, 4 comments

A Jeweler's Eye

Suleika Jaouad

Of my diagnosis, he had asked, “If you could take it all back, would you?” The answer I arrived at was this: “The tangling of so much cruelty and beauty has made of my life a stra...

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7K reads, 13 comments

Emptiness Cafe

Susan Kahn

Life moves Like shadow and light, Instantaneously appearing, Though I cannot find time itself. Cities mirrored in thought, Nothing standing alone. There is no seer without the seen, No though...

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13K reads, 5 comments

Mother Trees In A Wood Wide Web

Suzanne Simard

Elders fill a special role in any community, having earned the respect of the tribe for their life-long wisdom, knowledge, and teaching. They help link individuals to the broader community as a whole,...

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15K reads, 8 comments

Why Meditate

Suzanne Toro

Meditation is the act of getting quiet and settling the mind. It’s the process of slowing and eventually stopping your thoughts, at which point you can bask in and feel the silence, trusting all...

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30K reads, 8 comments

Un-learning the Ways of Un-love

Swami Chaitanya Keerti

When you are absolutely happy in your aloneness, when the other is not a need, it is then that you are capable of love. If the other is your need, you can only exploit, manipulate, dominate but canno...

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13K reads, 11 comments

Accepting Others Totally

Swami Chinmayananda

When you look at the blue sky or the stars, or the birds and mountains, you have no complaints about them. And you are pleased and happy. You see the rocks on the riverbed; they did not do anything ...

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5K reads

Humility Really Cannot be Considered a Virtue

Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Ego and pride are closely related, almost synonymous effects born of the same cause, ignorance of the relationship of the individualized sense of I with the world. (...) Although, graced by free will,...

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15K reads, 9 comments

The Balancing Force

Swami Krishnananda

The type of security and protection that we expect in this world of human beings is based on the humanly conceived notion of what is good and necessary for the welfare of all people. But God [Dharma] ...

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10K reads, 3 comments

Ego and the Illusion of Darkness

Swami Nithyananda

Q: How can we surrender the ego, when this wanting to surrender is itself an expression of the ego? Nithyananda: How are you going to surrender the ego, when it does not exist? Suppose you are sitt...

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43K reads, 7 comments

Gaining Mental Power

Swami Sivananda

Uncontrolled thoughts are the roots of all evils. Each thought by itself is extremely weak, because the mind is generally distracted by countless and ever-varying thoughts.  The more the thought...

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40K reads, 13 comments

Thought Power

Swami Sivananda

Be careful of your thoughts. Whatever you send out of your mind, comes back to you. Every thought you think, is a boomerang. If you hate another, hate will come back to you. If you love others, love w...

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25K reads, 17 comments

Be Not a Beggar

Swami Vivekananda

Ask nothing; want nothing in return. Give what you have to give; it will come back to you — but do not think of that now, it will come back multiplied a thousandfold — but the atte...

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23K reads, 17 comments

Slavery To The Senses

Swami Vivekananda

We are all slaves to our senses, slaves to our own minds, conscious and subconscious. The reason why a criminal is a criminal is not because he desires to be one, but because he has not his mind under...

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13K reads, 21 comments

Seat of Power

Swami Vivekananda

We know that the greatest power is lodged in the fine, not in the coarse. We see a man take up a huge weight, we see his muscles well, and all over his body we see signs of exertion, and we think the ...

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18K reads, 3 comments

This World is Perfect

Swami Vivekananda

Is it not a blasphemy to say that the world needs our help? We cannot deny that there is much misery in it; to go out and help others is, therefore, the best thing we can do, although in the long run,...

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21K reads, 11 comments

Unfurl Your Sails

Swami Vivekananda

The theory that advances the freedom of the human soul is the one theory that does not lay the blame of all our weaknesses upon somebody else. Men in general lay all the blame of life on their ...

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5K reads

The One Goal of All Nature

Swami Vivekananda

The grandest idea in Vedanta is that we may reach the same goal by different paths; and these paths I have generalised into four—viz., those of work, love, psychology and knowledge. But you must...

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19K reads, 6 comments

We Only Get What We Deserve

Swami Vivekananda

We must learn that nothing can happen to us, unless we make ourselves susceptible to it. I have just said, no disease can come to me until the body is ready; it does not depend alone on the germs, bu...

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13K reads

Who Are You To Help

Swami Vivekananda

Do not stand on a high pedestal and take five cents in your hand and say, "Here, my poor man," but be grateful that the poor man is there, so that by making a gift to him you are able to help yoursel...

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6K reads

Sip The Honey

Swami Vivekananda

If we examine our own lives, we find that the greatest cause of sorrow is this: we take up something, and put our whole energy on it -- perhaps it is a failure -- and yet we cannot give it up. We know...

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5K reads

Frying the Seeds of Anger

Swami Vivekananda

When I am angry, my whole mind becomes a huge wave of anger. I feel it, see it, handle it, can easily manipulate it, can fight with it; but I shall not succeed perfectly in the fight until I can get d...

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26K reads, 21 comments

The Secret Of Work

Swami Vivekananda

Whatever we do, we want a return. We are all traders. We are traders in life, we are traders in virtue, we are traders in religion. And alas! we are also traders in love. If you come to trade, if i...

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63K reads, 19 comments

If There Is No Self, Whose Arthritis Is This?

Sylvia Boorstein

"If there is no self, whose arthritis is this?" is one of a list of a dozen questions that have been appearing regularly in my email. I think it’s the choice of arthritis, out of ...

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13K reads, 15 comments

One Robe One Bowl

Sylvia Boorstein

In the early years of my practice, a group of Burmese monks were guest teachers for a week at a retreat at which I was a student in southern California. They were housed in one of the cottages at the...

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