Reading Archives (Author)

Discipline Of Tao

D. T. Suzuki

A master called Yuan came to Tai-chu Hui-hai and asked: 'When disciplining oneself in the Tao, is there any special way of doing it?" Hui-hai: 'Yes, there is." Yuan: 'What ...

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25K reads, 14 comments

An Awe Walk

Dacher Keltner

What gives you a sense of awe? That word, awe—the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your understanding of the world—is often associated with the ...

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16K reads, 16 comments

The Power Paradox

Dacher Keltner

Life is made up of patterns. And one pattern kept appearing in scientific studies I've conducted over the past twenty years. It's called the power paradox: we rise in power and make a dif...

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50K reads, 13 comments

Do we Use Thought, or Does Thought Use us?


Have you ever looked meditatively into the cause-and-effect of thought, into the birth and death of thought, the cycle that creates fear and conflict with resultant sorrow? Every expression of thou...

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44K reads, 21 comments

Seeds of Real Action


Why is it that the mind cannot be in the present? The mind moves on and on because it just cannot be quiet. We do not really need anything else in order to be peaceful and free in the present, but ...

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5K reads

Creativity of Silence


We can discover a new beauty of life in silence. When once you see that beauty, you will not be interested in the agitated cravings of the mind. You will see the limitations of your desires and wishf...

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8K reads

Artistic Way of Living


\"Even when you look at a beautiful flower, you just talk about it; your mind interprets it. You note the color, form, texture and scent, but you never quite experience the whole beauty as it is. To e...

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4K reads

Riding the Crest of the Unknown


You know little about yourself -– the hidden motives and blind spots, where thought actually takes its shape, where desire is subtly formed. You are not aware of the origin of thought. You recognize...

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5K reads, 5 comments

Without A Yardstick

Dainin Katagiri

When you just sit down, real peace immediately appears. Before any object called "peace" appears, peace appears. So there is no room to even discuss peace. If you truly want peace, be peace, right ...

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4K reads


Dalai Lama

Compassion can be roughly defined in terms of a state of mind that is nonviolent, nonharming, and nonaggressive. It is a mental attitude based on the wish for others to be free of their suffering an...

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6K reads

Causes Of Happiness

Dalai Lama

The purpose of life is to strive for happiness. Every sentient being has the right to survive; this means having a desire for happiness or comfort: that’s why sentient beings strive to surviv...

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21K reads, 8 comments

Mental Immunity

Dalai Lama

Everyone knows that physical pain is bad and tries to avoid it. We do this not only by curing diseases, but also by trying to prevent them and by trying to keep our physical immunity strong. Mental pa...

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10K reads, 14 comments

Tell Me Your Story

Dan Gottlieb

It came to me in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago, four words that could change the world: Tell me your story. These four words could have an impact on everything from global confli...

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26K reads, 31 comments

To Transcend: Observe Cause and Effect

Dan Millman

Self-mastery involves recognizing what we are not responsible for -- the thoughts that enter our mind and flow out, and the emotions that pass like the weather -- and what we are responsible for, whic...

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12K reads, 8 comments

Developing Mindsight

Dan Siegel

Oftentimes people hear the word mindfulness and think “religion,” but the reality is that focusing our attention in this way is a biological process that promotes health – as a form ...

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95K reads, 14 comments

Social Intelligence

Daniel Goleman

One day, late for a meeting in midtown Manhattan, I was looking for a shortcut. So I walked into an indoor atrium on the ground floor of a skyscraper, planning to use an exit door I had spotted on the...

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144K reads, 23 comments

Attunement: an Agendaless Presence

Daniel Goleman

Attunement is attention that goes beyond momentary empathy to a full sustained presence that facilitates rapport. We offer a person our total attention and listen fully. We seek to understand the ot...

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43K reads, 13 comments

Those Who Float

Daniel Gottlieb

Young as you are, I know you already know something about faith.  You have faith in your mother's arms.  That's a good start.  But later on, you'll find it gets more complicated. Not l...

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18K reads, 11 comments

Letter to My Grandson

Daniel Gottlieb

Change is difficult for all of us.  The older we get, the more change we face.  All change involves loss, and whenever we lose something, we ache to have it back.  Everything I have los...

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74K reads, 40 comments

Three Millimeters of the Universe

Daniel Gottlieb

Dear Sam, One night in the hospital, a friend came to visit me. I told her I didn't think I could go on anymore. What I was feeling went beyond despair. It was a loss of hope — of everyth...

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15K reads, 8 comments

Kazoo Player And The Symphony

Daniel Ingram

Imagine there is a great symphony orchestra in a great concert hall and in front of it, like an absurd comedy act, sits a clearly nervous kazoo player with no music score in front of him. The orchestr...

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22K reads, 8 comments

Small Kindnesses

Danusha Laméris

I’ve been thinking about the way, when you walk down a crowded aisle, people pull in their legs to let you by. Or how strangers still say “bless you” when someone sneezes, a lefto...

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54K reads, 41 comments

Eulogy Versus Resume Virtues

David Brooks

About once a month I run across a person who radiates an inner light. These people can be in any walk of life. They seem deeply good. They listen well. They make you feel funny and valued. You often c...

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72K reads, 20 comments

I-It and I-Thou

David Brooks

(Reflections on "I-Thou" by Martin Buber) I-It relationships come in two varieties. Some are strictly utilitarian. You’re exchanging information in order to do some practical thi...

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54K reads, 7 comments

Help Comes From the Strangest Places

David Brooks

Help comes from the strangest places. We are living in the middle of a revolution in consciousness. Over the past few decades, geneticists, neuroscientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists, an...

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14K reads, 4 comments

The Two Beliefs of Successful People

David Brooks

  All day long, you are affected by large forces. Genes influence your intelligence and willingness to take risks. Social dynamics unconsciously shape your choices...

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25K reads, 4 comments

Yodeling Above Freedom

David Bullon

There is a thrushing light alive - dancing and whirling; concealed by midlife shadows in my antsy eyes. My snow-shining mountainous essence beams luminously through that shade, but somehow its rest...

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8K reads, 7 comments

Kindness, Plain and Simple

David Copperfield

I believe in kindness. But it's hard to be kind. We're not trained for it. Kindness is for sissies; we learn that early. "Nice guys finish last." If they even get invited to the race. Kindness is t...

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5K reads, 3 comments

The Most Precious Freedom

David Foster Wallace

Here is just one example of the total wrongness of something I tend to be automatically sure of: everything in my own immediate experience supports my deep belief that I am the absolute center of the...

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16K reads, 12 comments

Song Of The Birds

David G. Haskell

For millennia, the language of birds has called us to cross divides. In the Qur’an, Solomon received a bounty and blessing when he was given the language of birds. Job exhorts us to hear the wis...

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18K reads, 8 comments

Look Around In Wonder

David Griswold

Look around, look around, Look around in wonder, Trace the thunderous cloud above That feeds the river under. Look above and look below And look at last within, You'll see a river running th...

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9K reads, 14 comments

Wonder Increases As Speed Decreases

David Haskell

Indulge me for a moment: let’s do a short thought experiment. We’ll compare two different mornings. On one, you’ll fly coast-to-coast, a five hour journey. Imagine yourself in the hi...

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17K reads, 15 comments

Flow of Money

David Korten

In a modern society in which most everything essential to a secure and happy life seems to depend on money, the flow of money takes on great significance. Where money flows there are jobs; where it do...

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41K reads, 17 comments

Turning Ourselves Toward Stability And Hospitality

David Mckee

The Benedictine-Camaldolese monk, Bruno Barnhart says it very well:  “We humans prefer a manageable complexity to an unmanageable simplicity.” A complex instability is our typical ...

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20K reads, 4 comments

The Humility in True Genius

David R. Hawkins

A universal characteristic of genius is humility; after all, those in whom we recognize genius commonly disclaim it, as they’ve always attributed their insights to some higher influence.  [...

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33K reads, 5 comments

Meaning: Where Monk and Child Meet

David Steindl-Rast

The monk in us is very closely related to the child in us or, if you want, to the mystic in us — and we are all meant to be mystics. We do a great disservice to mystics by putting them up on a pede...

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7K reads, 4 comments

When Vanishing Vanishes

David Steindl-Rast

There\'s something to love and faithfulness, beauty and goodness, something that is not subject to time. For me, it is enormously consoling and reassuring that there is only a limited amount of time t...

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4K reads

The Great Tragedy of Speed

David Whyte

Speed in work has compensations. Speed gets noticed. Speed is praised by others. Speed is self-important. Speed absolves us. Speed means we don't really belong to any particular thing or person...

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98K reads, 49 comments

Time is a Season

David Whyte

Most traditional human cultures have seen the hours of the days in the same way as they have encountered the seasons of the year: not as clear lines drawn across our experience, but as an advancing qu...

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21K reads, 9 comments

Everything Is Waiting For You

David Whyte

Your great mistake is to act the drama  as if you were alone. As if life  were a progressive and cunning crime  with no witness to the tiny hidden  transgressions. To feel aban...

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120K reads, 40 comments

What to Remember When Waking

David Whyte

In that first hardly noticed moment in which you wake, coming back to this life from the other more secret, moveable and frighteningly honest world where everything began, there is a small opening...

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327K reads, 37 comments

The World Also Has a Soul

David Whyte

"There is a core delusion at the center of our struggles in all organizations. A core delusion that narrows our sense of self and ignores the greater world beyond the organization. It is a world ...

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23K reads, 19 comments

We Are What We Choose to Be

Dawna Markova

On rare and precious moments, someone will tell me about when he used to play the saxophone or when she used to dream about opening a halfway house for abused women or when he thought he could mentor ...

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31K reads, 8 comments

I Will Not Die an Unlived Life

Dawna Markova

I will not die an unlived life I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loose...

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213K reads, 41 comments

Letting Someone Know They're Not Alone Is No Small Thing

Deborah Hawkins

Months ago, I decided to explore volunteering for a hospice organization. My initial curiosity came up when I contemplated wanting to use my talents for listening and putting things into words. I e...

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10K reads, 24 comments

A True Leader

Dee Hock

Leader presumes follower. Follower presumes choice. One who is coerced to the purposes, objectives, or preferences of another is not a follower in any true sense of the word, but an object of manipula...

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14K reads, 9 comments

Compelling Authenticity

Dee Hock

At one time I got interested in trying to understand how great leaders created enormous social change -- take Christ, take Muhammad, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, Jr. When y...

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4K reads

Law of Least Effort

Deepak Chopra

If you observe nature at work, you will see that least effort is expended. Grass doesn't try to grow, it just grows. Fish don't try to swim, they just swim. Flowers don't try to bloom, they bloom. Bir...

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26K reads, 9 comments

Residing in the Space Between

Deepak Chopra

Everything that we call form and phenomena, that we call observer and observed, is all coming from the same place, including our own thoughts. The world is a discontinuity, and every experience arises...

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5K reads

The Seven Traits of Creative People

Deepak Chopra

The deepest reality you are aware of is the one from which you draw your power. For someone who is conscious only of the material world, power is limited to material forces; but at a more profound lev...

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14K reads, 7 comments

You Become What You See

Deepak Chopra

What you see you become. What you see is a selective act of attention and interpretation. Although you are inundated by billions of bits of sensory impulses every moment, you selectively filter out t...

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20K reads, 2 comments

Pursuit of money

Deion Sanders

Below are excerpts from the Associated Press article, "Deion Sanders Reflects on Troubled Past", published on Sep 27, 1998: Dallas Cowboys cornerback Deion Sanders described how he ...

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8K reads

The Difficulty In Listening

Delshad Karanjia

Nasruddin was at the teahouse one afternoon when Arif the hakim walked in. “How are you, Mullah? I hope you and your family are well,” Arif asked politely. “I’m fine, tha...

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14K reads, 12 comments

Evolution's Gold Standard

Diane Ackerman

Feeling low? According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, when people feel bad, their sense of touch quickens and they instinctively want to hug something or someone. Tykes cling to a...

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13K reads, 10 comments

Thoughts Are Just Thoughts

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

What we normally call the mind is the deluded mind, a turbulent vortex of thoughts whipped up by attachment, anger, and ignorance. This mind, unlike enlightened awareness, is always being carried away...

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12K reads, 18 comments

Science of the Heart

Doc Childre

"If you change your perception, you change the experience of your body and your world." Your perceptions underlie how you think and feel about the person or issue that you are dealing with. The res...

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10K reads

Genjo Koan

Dogen Zenji

Enlightenment is like the moon reflected in the water. The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken. Although its light is wide and great, the moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wid...

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8K reads, 7 comments

Being Nice Isn't The Same As Being Kind

Donna Cameron

Kind people go beyond what's expected of them. They go beyond the easy response to offer the best of who they are. They do it without expectation of something in return. They do it because of who ...

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13K reads, 20 comments

The Mystery of Silence

Dorothy Hunt

Silence cannot really be described. It is not the absence of sound. It makes it possible to notice sound. It is still, but its stillness is constantly moving. It is nothing, but a nothing filled with ...

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18K reads, 8 comments

Listening As An Act Of Transformation

Doug Lipman

Two villagers came to a rabbi with a dispute. When the rabbi invited them to sit down and talk about it, they glowered at each other as though to say, “If you sit down at this table, then I won&...

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40K reads, 11 comments

What Can You Trust?

Doug Powers

In young people’s minds right now, the main issue is what they can trust in their own experience. In the 50s and 60s, we trusted ideologies, religions, universities, and economists. There wer...

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18K reads, 28 comments

End Of The World

Dougald Hine

The end of the world as we know it is not the end of the world ... it is also the end of a way of knowing the world. "When a world ends, its systems and stories come apart, even the largest of th...

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14K reads, 21 comments

The Best Day Of My Life

Douglas Harding

The best day of my life—my rebirthday, so to speak—was when I found I had no head. This is not a literary gambit, a witticism designed to arouse interest at any cost. I mean it in all seri...

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8K reads, 15 comments

Our Early Experiences

Dr. Gabor Maté

My mother had muscular dystrophy, which is a degenerative disease of the muscles. It’s hereditary, runs in our family. And so, she could no longer walk, get out of bed, even feed herself very we...

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11K reads, 14 comments

Subsconcious Blueprint

Dr. Joseph Murphy

If you were building a new home for yourself, you know that you would be intensely interested in regard to the blueprint for your home; you would see to it that the builders conformed to the bluep...

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6K reads

Presence Of Things Beyond Flesh

Drew Lanham

Lecturing has always come easily to me. Backed by the technical, the theoretical, a few supporting slides, and a captive audience of college students or peers, I've given hundreds of presentations...

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9K reads, 12 comments

The Nature of Knowing That We Know

Duane Elgin

  The word "consciousness" literally means "that with which we know." It has also been termed the "knowing faculty". To live more consciously means to be more consc...

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15K reads, 7 comments

Make Death Your Ally

Duane Elgin

Death is an important ally for appreciating life. I am not referring to a morbid preoccupation with death. Rather, I mean the felt awareness of our finitude as physical beings -- an honest recognition...

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49K reads, 24 comments

Voluntary Simplicity

Duane Elgin

There is no special virtue to the phrase "voluntary simplicity"--it is merely a label and a somewhat awkward label at that. Still, it does acknowledge explicitly that simpler living integrates both i...

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6K reads, 6 comments

Conscious Simplicity

Duane Elgin

Here are three major ways that I see the idea of simplicity presented in today’s popular media: 1) Crude or Regressive Simplicity: The mainstream media often shows simplicity as a path o...

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42K reads, 28 comments

The Shambhala Warriors' Weapons

Dugu Choegyal

There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger. Great barbarian powers have arisen. Although these powers spend their wealth in preparations to annihilate one another, they have much in com...

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48K reads, 19 comments

Spiritual Materialism

Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

What first comes to mind to speak about is my own spiritual materialism. I find that as I'm reading or reflecting upon the teachings and something becomes clear to me, I immediately want to rush o...

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13K reads, 22 comments

Living With a Rebel Within

Dzogchen Ponlop

Your true mind is a mind of joy, free from all suffering. That is who you really are. That is the true nature of your mind and the mind of everyone. But your mind doesn't just sit there being perfect,...

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14K reads, 14 comments