Reading Archives (Author)

Gratitude Is More Than Thank You

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Gratitude is so much more than a polite “thank you.” It is the thread that connects us in a deep relationship, simultaneously physical and spiritual, as our bodies are fed and spirits nour...

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To Find Something, Don't Look For It

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Between takeoff and landing, we are each in suspended animation, a pause between chapters of our lives. When we stare out the window into the sun’s glare, the landscape is only a flat projection...

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Uniform Corn-Rows In High-Tech Isolation

Robin Wall Kimmerer

I live in the lush green farm country of upstate New York, in a town that likely has more cows than people. Most everyone I know grows something: apples, hops, grapes, potatoes, berries, and lots of c...

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Planting Twin Trees

Robin Wall Kimmerer

There was a custom in the mid-eighteen hundreds of planting twin trees to celebrate a marriage and the starting of a home. The stance of these two, just ten feet apart, recalls a couple standing toget...

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Returning the Gift

Robin Wall Kimmerer

In the teachings of my Potawatomi ancestors, responsibilities and gifts are understood as two sides of the same coin. The possession of a gift is coupled with a duty to use it for the benefit of all. ...

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