Reading Archives (Author)

Selfless Climbing versus Ego Climbing

Robert Pirsig

Phaedrus wrote a letter from India about a pilgrimage to holy Mount Kailas, the source of the Ganges and the abode of Shiva, high in the Himalayas, in the company of a holy man and his adherents. H...

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40K reads, 15 comments

The Japanese Word, Mu

Robert Pirsig

Yes and no…this or that…one or zero. In the basis of this elementary two-term discrimination, all human knowledge is built up. The demonstration of this is the computer memory that store...

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166K reads, 16 comments

The Art of the Skilled Mechanic

Robert Pirsig

Not moving, not really thinking about anything, not really caring about anything either, seems to draw out the inner tensions and frustrations that have prevented you from solving problems you couldn'...

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4K reads

Futility of Discrimination

Robert Pirsig

"All the time we are aware of millions of things around us--these changing shapes, these burning hills, the sound of the engine, the feel of the throttle, each rock and weed and fence post and piec...

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5K reads