Reading Archives (Author)

Opening Thy Palm

Rabindranath Tagore

I had gone a-begging from door to door in the village path when thy golden chariot appeared in the distance like a gorgeous dream and I wondered who was this King of all kings! My hopes rose high a...

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20K reads, 14 comments

Beauty Harmonizes Law and Liberty

Rabindranath Tagore

A great poem, when analyzed, is a set of detached sounds. The reader who finds out the meaning, which is the inner medium that connects these outer sounds, discovers a perfect law all through, which i...

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32K reads, 8 comments

Freedom Manifests in Action

Rabindranath Tagore

The more man acts and makes actual what was latent in him, the nearer does he bring the distant Yet-to-be. In that actualisation, man is ever making himself more and yet more distinct, and s...

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29K reads, 7 comments

An Undying Faith of the Infinite in Us

Rabindranath Tagore

When we watch a child trying to walk, we see its countless failures; its successes are but few.  If we had to limit our observation within a narrow space of time, the sight would be cruel.  ...

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17K reads, 6 comments

What is Goodness?

Rabindranath Tagore

The question will be asked, "What is goodness?  What does our moral nature mean?"  My answer is that when a man begins to have an extended vision of his self, when he realizes that...

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20K reads, 8 comments

Centuries of Culture

Rabindranath Tagore

Once there was an occasion for me to motor down to Calcutta from a place a hundred miles away. Something wrong with the mechanism made it necessary for us to have a repeated supply of water almost eve...

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4K reads

The Message

Rabindranath Tagore

I see a light, but no fire. Is this what my life is to be like? Better to head for the grave. A messenger comes, the grief-courier, and the message is that the woman you love is in her hous...

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10K reads