Reading Archives (Author)

The Cauldron Of Time

James O'dea

We who live and breathe in a body see the Creator’s signature as living gold: the gold of a magnificent sunlight splashed on the active rivers of our hearts’ generosity, pouring molten ...

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15K reads, 23 comments

A Higher Level Of Conscious Engagement

James O'dea

We live in an age of spiritual smorgasbord: People are mixing concepts, aphorisms, and insights from a broad variety of mystical and faith traditions. A blend of notions culled from many spiritual pat...

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23K reads, 8 comments

Spontaneous Resonance

James O'dea

A friend recently described her spontaneous reaction to a police officer beating a black youth. The cracking sound of a blow to the youth instantaneously ignited a mighty “No!” as she surg...

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18K reads, 7 comments

Witnessing: A Form of Compassion

James O'dea

At this time a whole new configuration of science, spirituality and health is in movement. Many of us have come to enjoy fresh insights from quantum physics. How extraordinary that when we looked do...

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7K reads, 6 comments

New Year Shift

James O'dea

[A New Year] is upon us, and it will be a year when you and I and conscious people everywhere will need to advance the transformation of our institutions, communities, nations and the world. That tran...

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4K reads