Reading Archives (Author)

Path With Heart

Jack Kornfield

In undertaking a spiritual life, what matters is simple: We must make certain that our path is connected with our heart. In the end, spiritual life is not a process of seeking or gaining some extraord...

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16K reads, 10 comments

The Wisdom Of Uncertainty

Jack Kornfield

One day Ajahn Chah held up a beautiful Chinese tea cup, “To me this cup is already broken. Because I know its fate, I can enjoy it fully here and now. And when it’s gone, it’s gone.&...

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22K reads, 13 comments

The Poisoned Tree

Jack Kornfield

The maturity we can develop in approaching our difficulties is illustrated by the traditional story of a poisoned tree. On first discovering a poisoned tree, some people see only its danger. Their imm...

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23K reads, 18 comments

Stopping The War

Jack Kornfield

The purpose of a spiritual discipline is to give us a way to stop the war, not by our force of will, but organically, through understanding and gradual training. Ongoing spiritual practice can he...

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23K reads, 5 comments

Where We Are Is Our Temple

Jack Kornfield

Expanding our spiritual practice is actually a process of expanding our heart, of widening our circle of insight and compassion to gradually include the whole of our life. Being on earth here in human...

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28K reads, 8 comments

Beauty of True Simplicity

Jack Kornfield

The clutter of our lives binds us to the precious simplicity that surrounds us and within us. Too of ten we become possessed and imprisoned by the chains of our own accumulations. We live in fear of t...

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15K reads, 2 comments

Only Passing Through

Jack Kornfield

Letting go and moving through life from one change to another brings the maturing of our spiritual being. In the end we discover that to love and let go can be the same thing. Both ways do not seek t...

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9K reads

Moving The Rocks

Jack Kornfield

A writer I know began his practice with a well-known teacher many years ago. The writer didn't know much about meditation, but after some preliminary instruction he decided that enlightenment was for...

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4K reads

Touched by Pain of Life

Jack Kornfield

To live in the present demands an ongoing and unwavering commitment. As we follow a spiritual path, we are required to stop the war not once but many times. Over and over we feel the familiar tug of...

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5K reads