Reading Archives (Author)

Be Vigilance


Vigilance is often misunderstood. Usually what passes for vigilance is careful monitoring by the superego. I'm sure you're very aware of this kind of monitoring-- "Oh I shouldn't have...

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7K reads, 9 comments

Deep Inquiry: Not for the Faint of Heart


Authentic spiritual inquiry reveals the joy of fresh insights and revelation, just as artistic or scientific inquiry does, but if we cling to the latest insight as a thing we know, that thing grows st...

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74K reads, 15 comments

To Be Simply, Radically, Absolutely Still


Sometimes, in a blessed life, there arises what we call the spiritual search, the search for God, the search for Truth. There is a recognition that the usual means of taking care of this command just ...

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63K reads, 44 comments

To Know Without Needing To Understand


Usually, we search for understanding because we believe that it will lead to true experience. We try to understand every experience that is brought...

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22K reads, 8 comments

Underneath All Victories and Defeats


In the midst of some activity, even the activity of reading this now, it is completely possible to allow your mind to open fully, and in that opening to discover the peace and fulfillment of your own ...

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18K reads, 9 comments

The Power of Stopping


The trance of conditioned thoughts can be deep and complex, but it has no defense against something as simple as "stop". When you consciously recognize this point of st...

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15K reads, 4 comments

The Practice of Desire


Someone once shared with me this very simple yet profound discovery, "If I practice desire, I suffer." What could be simpler? This essential teaching arose from his own direct experience. (....

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13K reads, 8 comments

What Do You Really Want?


Most of us do not have to worry about where we will get our next meal, or if we will have a place to sleep tonight. Most of us are not in imminent danger, and neither are our families. We find oursel...

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10K reads, 3 comments