Reading Archives (Author)

You Are Not a Prisoner

Andrew Cohen

Q: Why is it important to practice meditation consistently? A: You meditate to remind yourself that you are not a prisoner.  If there is power in your meditation, if your experience of the Groun...

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29K reads, 17 comments

Is Meditation Boring?

Andrew Cohen

Q: I have been practicing leave the mind and emotions alone, but I often find meditation boring. A: In order for the experience of meditation to be endlessly fascinating and infinitely compellin...

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69K reads, 14 comments

A Realm Beyond Measurement

Andrew Cohen

With meditation, you can't push.  Meditation is one of those things that cannot be forced.  You just have ot make yourself available, and we do that by being still, being at ease, and paying...

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14K reads, 11 comments

Peace is Not the Ultimate Answer

Andrew Cohen

It continually amazes me that the majority of spiritual seekers from the most affluent countries on our small planet seem to be looking for one thing above anything else: Peace. Peace? Why on earth wo...

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10K reads, 11 comments

Why Do You Meditate?

Andrew Cohen

You meditate to remind yourself that you're not a prisoner. If there is power in your meditation, if your experience of the ground of being is deep and profound, you will discover and rediscover, ove...

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16K reads, 5 comments

Becoming Truly Independent

Andrew Cohen

Many people have told me that they find something and then lose it. They wait and they seek, and then find and lose it again. Most of the time, seekers are trying to rediscover or re-attain something ...

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11K reads, 6 comments

The Attention That Arises From Caring

Andrew Cohen

Bare mindfulness, or attention from moment to moment, is a good technique as far as it goes, but I don’t feel it’s enough, unless you, whoever you are, care about your own effect in this world and...

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5K reads

What is Ego?

Andrew Cohen

"What is ego? Ego is the deeply felt sense of being separate and superior. Indeed, it is an emotional and psychological compulsion to see and feel the self as being separate from and superior to the o...

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7K reads, 3 comments

The Evolutionary Impulse

Andrew Cohen

It is a very rare moment indeed when the evolutionary impulse -- that mysterious urge toward unbounded freedom and our own potential for radical transformation in this life -- arises in awareness, un...

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7K reads

Five Tenets of Life

Andrew Cohen

The five fundamental tenets of [a full life]: 1- Clarity of Intention The first tenet, Clarity of Intention, is the foundation of the authentic spiritual life. It states that in order to succeed in...

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20K reads, 2 comments