Reading Archive (Transitioning)

Your Life Cannot Go Wrong

Jeff Foster

In reality, your world is set up so that nothing happens to you, but everything happens for you - for your awakening, for your growth, for your inspiration, for your exploration - even if you forget t...

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81K reads, 59 comments

The Glass is Already Broken

Stephen and Ondrea Levine

Once someone asked a well-known Thai meditation master, "In this world where everything changes, where nothing remains the same, where loss and grief are inherent in our very coming into existenc...

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46K reads, 31 comments

Don't Go Back to Sleep

Elizabeth Lesser

To be human is to be lost in the woods. None of us arrives here with clear directions on how to get from point A to point B without stumbling into the forest of confusion or catastrophe or wrongdoing....

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38K reads, 33 comments

The Sacred Art of Pausing

Tara Brach

In our lives we often find ourselves in situations we can’t control, circumstances in which none of our strategies work. Helpless and distraught, we frantically try to manage what is happening. ...

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34K reads, 14 comments

The Place That is Free of Suffering

Eckhart Tolle

The world promises fulfillment somewhere in time, and there is a continuous striving toward that fulfillment in time. Many times people feel, "Yes, now I have arrived," and then they realize...

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33K reads, 16 comments

Hard Times Require Furious Dancing

Alice Walker

I am the youngest of eight siblings. Five of us have died. I share losses, health concerns, and other challenges common to the human condition, especially in these times of war, poverty, environmental...

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24K reads, 11 comments

It All Goes Wrong Anyway

Ajahn Brahm

Wherever you live -- in a monastery, in a city, or on a quiet tree-lined street -- you will always experience problems and difficulties from time to time. This is just the nature of life. So when you ...

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22K reads, 7 comments

Choosing Suffering over Safety

Bonnie Rose

“Can you walk, sweetheart?” I say these words to our dog Stella who is dying. It’s time for breakfast and if she walks from our bed to the kitchen, maybe that will be a sign. Maybe s...

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21K reads, 14 comments

Death Connects Us To Life

Somik Raha

Growing up with monastic teachings around the impermanence of life, I got the opportunity to apply them when my grandmother passed on, followed by my grandfather in quick succession. I told myself tha...

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20K reads, 18 comments

Effects of Adversity

Eranda Jayawickreme

Adversity may help people distinguish between events they can really control by changing their environment versus uncontrollable events. While they cannot change the environment in the latter case, th...

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19K reads, 5 comments

Recognizing the Real Fear

Erich Fromm

In the sphere of human relations, faith is an indispensable quality of any significant friendship or love. “Having faith” in another person means to be certain of the reliability and uncha...

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19K reads, 10 comments

Laziness As Our Personal Teacher

Pema Chodron

The path of awakening is a process. It’s a process of gradually learning to become intimate with our so-called obstacles. So rather than feeling discouraged by laziness, we could look into our l...

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18K reads, 5 comments

Harder I Work, The More I Love

Lynne Twist

Burnout is being disconnected from Source. I don’t think it’s as related as we'd like to think, to working too long or too hard or eating pizza and Coke instead of veggies and water. A...

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18K reads, 6 comments

No Longer Playing It Safe

bell hooks

To work for peace and justice we begin with the individual practice of love, because it is there that we can experience firsthand love’s transformative power. Attending to the damaging impact of...

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18K reads, 7 comments

Wisdom Of Grieving

Terry Patten

Not only is grieving a stage of the spiritual activist’s journey, but the grieving process itself often unfolds in stages, which can be described using Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’s famous five ...

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17K reads, 10 comments

Outlasting the Fog

Mark Nepo

We all have these moments when the rose loses it color for some reason, or the music no longer stirs us, or the sweet, gentle soul across from us no longer seems to soften our heart. To move in and...

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11K reads, 10 comments