Reading Archive (Action and Activism)

A Spiritual Conspiracy

Author Unknown

On the surface of the Earth exactly now there is war and violence and everything looks horrible.  But, simultaneously, something quiet, calm and hidden is happening and certain people are being c...

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149K reads, 55 comments

Why I Make Movies

Mickey Lemle

All movies are an illusion. We think we are seeing motion but in fact we are seeing twenty-four still pictures every second. Half the time the screen is actually black. Yet movies seem so real, and so...

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58K reads, 7 comments

Medicine for the Earth

Sandra Ingerman

In all spiritual traditions it is taught that everything that manifests in the physical world starts in the invisible realms of spirit. We must remember that a baby grows in the womb. Trees and pla...

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43K reads, 11 comments

Don't Go Back to Sleep

Elizabeth Lesser

To be human is to be lost in the woods. None of us arrives here with clear directions on how to get from point A to point B without stumbling into the forest of confusion or catastrophe or wrongdoing....

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41K reads, 33 comments

Pilgrimage to Nonviolence

Martin Luther King, Jr.

First, it must be emphasized that nonviolent resistance is not a method for cowards; it does resist. If one uses this method because he is afraid or merely because he lacks the instruments of violen...

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40K reads, 32 comments

Spiritual Activism

Michael Singer

I'm an environmentalist and I'm very much into cars that get high mileage and don't pollute, and I see that somebody's driving a Hummer. It's a classic example, somebody's driv...

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24K reads, 7 comments

Mass Movement

J. Krishnamurti

We see throughout the world extremes of poverty and riches, abundance and at the same time starvation; we have class distinction and racial hatred, the stupidity of nationalism and the appalling cruel...

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22K reads, 10 comments

I Have No Need For An Enemy

Troy Chapman

In passing my sentence, the judge said, “There’s no hope that you can ever be rehabilitated.” My sentence of 60-90 years was a tragic and too predictable end of the road I’d be...

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21K reads, 15 comments

How Can You Live In This World And Yet Be Innocent?

J. Krishnamurti

How can you live in this world and yet be innocent? First, be innocent and then you will live in this world, not the other way round. Be vulnerable, be tremendously vulnerable. You do not even unde...

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20K reads, 10 comments

Reverence Protects Life

Gary Zukav

As you work toward becoming reverent, your tendencies toward harming others and other forms of life diminish. As you acquire a sense of reverence, you develop the capacity to think more deeply about t...

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19K reads, 12 comments

Seeing Is Not Thinking

Jeanne de Salzmann

The question is not what to do but how to see. Seeing is the most important thing—the act of seeing. I need to realize that it is truly an act, an action that brings something entirely new, a ne...

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19K reads, 7 comments

No Longer Playing It Safe

bell hooks

To work for peace and justice we begin with the individual practice of love, because it is there that we can experience firsthand love’s transformative power. Attending to the damaging impact of...

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19K reads, 7 comments

True Humility: Selfless Respect for Reality

Costica Bradatan

From the potential unique location – the site of devastation that we might become – we understand that we are no grander than the rest of the world. Indeed, we are less than most thin...

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18K reads, 9 comments

Two Kinds Of Resistance

Rhonda Fabian

The light begins its slow return to places in the North, and today a new year begins. Some people are saying it is already “too late” – climate chaos, species loss, war, disparity...

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18K reads, 5 comments

Do What You Can

Bernie Glassman

I'm basically a simple person. The way I look at the issues you're talking about, which are issues of the globe, is to bring it back to our own bodies. My understanding is that we are all interconnec...

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17K reads

Social Action

Ajahn Pasanno

To understand what social action is, we must realise that it is not a case of 'me with society around me' as if the two were self-sufficient things; the two are interrelated. What we bring to the soc...

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8K reads