Awakin Circles

Gathering Locally

In living rooms around the world, people come together to sit in silence for an hour, share some inspirational moments for the second hour, and often have a light meal afterward. No teachers, no agendas. Circles are all volunteer-run and independently organized, with a simple wish for greater awakening of awareness and compassion, in kinship and community with one another. That’s Awakin.

Join a Circle

Start a Circle


Date Time Event Name
Feb 11, 2025

Afternoon Silent Retreat
Silent retreats offer a gentle pause from the busyness of daily life, a chance to turn inward, quiet the mind, and attune to the whispers of the heart. You are invited to join us ...

Feb 12, 2025

Awakin Lincoln, Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska

Let us know if you'd like to join our next circle!

Feb 12, 2025

Awakin Circle in Baroda (Akota)
Baroda, Gujarat

We meet every Wednesday and it would be a delight to have you amongst us.  Email us to join this week!

Feb 12, 2025

Awakin Circle Delhi

Delhi, India

We host Awakin Circles every week. Do drop us a note if you'd like to be notified about the next time!

Feb 12, 2025
7:00PM India

Awakin Circle in Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

We meet every Wednesday. Join us this week!

Feb 12, 2025

Awakin Mumbai (Ghatkopar)
Mumbai, India

We meet every week, and would love to have you join us!

Feb 13, 2025
6:30PM Pacific

Awakin Circle, Santa Clara
Santa Clara, CA

The place where it started -- join this week!

Feb 14, 2025
9:00AM Pacific

Awakin Call With Kelly Turner
"When Radical Remission survivors talk to me about trying to feel more love, joy, and happiness in order to help their bodies heal, they talk about it as they would talk about flossing ...

Feb 14, 2025

Awakin (Virtual) Hertfordshire, UK

Hertfordshire, UK

We meet once a week virtually.  Do get in touch if you'd like to know more, join next week, or stay updated for future events!

Feb 15, 2025

Fremont Meditation Circle and Bonfire - In Person this Friday Evening ⭕ - Resolutions & Blessing Share
Friday agenda :Chanting 6:30 pmGuided Meditation -  7:00 pmMindful Tea 7:30Bonfire and Discussion -  8:00 pmContemplative Circle of sharing by Sangha - 8:20 pm ...

Feb 15, 2025

Awakin Ahmedabad [Satellite]

Ahmedabad, Satellite, India

We meet every week on Saturdays.  Let us know if you'd like to join any week!

Feb 22, 2025

Radical Love Retreat with Satish Kumar
"Whatever the question, love is the answer." - Wayne Deyer How can we show up in the world with love as a guiding principle?  What practices can we embrace to nurture our hearts and ...


Prior to the pandemic, Awakin gatherings were hosted in 104 locations in 34 countries around the world. Since then, different cultures have responded uniquely. To engage, you can explore the map below or explore our alphabetical listing.

**Note: Each Awakin Circle is independently organized by the host. Awakin Circles are inspired by the design principles of ServiceSpace and, but hosts and particular circles are not verified or monitored live. Concerns? Reach out to Care @ Awakin.

To learn about hosting a circle locally, please check out our guide below.

Start Your Own Local Circle


Awakin gatherings are rooted in silence, community, and service.

The first Awakin Circle emerged in 1996 when three friends got together to sit in silence, every Wednesday, in an ordinary living room in Silicon Valley. After the first hour of meditation, they shared some personal moments in the second hour and ended with a home-cooked meal together. There were no teachers, no brand, no marketing, no commerce, no agenda. Just a humble space for anyone to enjoy.

Instead of closing the door, they left it open ... to all. What emerged was totally unexpected -- and yet, so perfectly right. For over a decade, it was known simply as 'Wednesdays'. Over the years, more than 20 thousand people have walked into that initial living room (and that original circle still continues today), many of whom were friends who wanted to start "Wednesdays" in their own local community.

Today, Awakin Circles have touched countless lives across hundreds of locations around the globe. Each circle has its own flavor and context, is independently organized, and stays active as long as conditions are ripe. All circles are entirely volunteer-run, non-commercial, and labor of love offerings.

You can learn a bit more of its history here. (See also: Six Lessons From my First Awakin Circle)

"Meditation is a process of lightening up, of trusting the basic goodness of what we have and who we are, and of realizing that any wisdom that exists, exists in what we already have. We can lead our life so as to become more awake to who we are and what we’re doing rather than trying to improve or change or get rid of who we are or what we’re doing. The key is to wake up, to become more alert, more inquisitive and curious about ourselves." --Pema Chodron

Thank you for your resonance with our shared values. We are grateful to be in connected in the spirit of service, and look forward to planting a few more seeds of compassion together.

**Note: Each Awakin Circle is independently organized by the host. Awakin Circles are inspired by the design principles of ServiceSpace and, but hosts and particular circles are not verified or monitored live. Concerns? Reach out to Care @ Awakin.