"Meditation is not a means to an end; there is no end, no arrival; it is a movement in time and out of time. Every system, method, binds thought to time, but choiceless awareness of every thought and feeling, understanding of their motives, their mechanism, allowing them to blossom, is the beginning of meditation." ‑‑J. Krishnamurti
About twenty five years ago, three people decided to sit in silence for an hour, in an everyday Silicon Valley living room. No teachers or gurus. No set agendas or proposed beliefs either. Just one strong principle -- when you change within, the world changes. And instead of closing the door, they left it open ... open to all. The rest, as they say, is history.
Simply put, Wednesday evenings are about sharing. A usual evening flows like this ...
6:30PM An hour of collective silence; its unguided, without any instructions or music. For first-timers, this primer on meditation may be helpful.
7:30PM A short reading (sent out earlier via email), followed by a circle of sharing of "aha" moments from everyday life.
8:30PM Vegetarian meal, followed by general interaction.
There is no cost to attend, nor any solicitations; everything is offered as a humble gift and people organically "pay it forward" to the world in their own ways.
What's the flow? We start with an hour of meditation; that is followed by a circle of sharing, and then a meal in silence.
How many people attend? Serendipity typically brings together 10-30 diverse folks.
I'm not local! You can join another location or perhaps even start your own!
We are profoundly grateful that our paths have crossed in this sacred way. Please do get in touch if you have any questions. We look forward to growing in stillness and service, together.