Call Archive (Food)
Josh Balk

Josh Balk

Compassion Through Systems

Rupa Marya & Raj Patel

Rupa Marya & Raj Patel

How Our Systems Prime Us for Chronic Illness

Emeran Mayer

Emeran Mayer

Tapping into the Wisdom of the Gut

Arun Sharma

Arun Sharma

Nature's Healing Science Healing & Life's Creative Intelligence

Padma and Narsanna Koppula

Padma and Narsanna Koppula

Life and Farming: The permaculture way

Ryland Engelhart

Ryland Engelhart

Kiss the Ground: Sacred Commerce, Love Activism, and the Solution of Soil

Mohammad Modarres

Mohammad Modarres

Abe's Eats: Building a Longer Table

Laura Riccardi Lyvers

Laura Riccardi Lyvers

Living With the Earth: Biodynamic Agriculture & Overcoming Materialism

Rob Hopkins

Rob Hopkins

Transitioning and Transforming Our Communities: From What Is to What If

Bruce Friedrich

Bruce Friedrich

The Call to Impact and Compassion for all God's Creatures

Tashi Nyima

Tashi Nyima

The Means Are The End: Compassion Through Compassionate Action

Ocean Robbins

Ocean Robbins

The Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Transform the World

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