Speaker: Mish and Mindy

Sisters in Kindness: Transforming Self through Service and Kindness to Others

Join us for a special call this Saturday with Michaele Rosen ("Mish") and Mindy Weber, "sisters" in kindness who are volunteers and coordinators for KindSpring.org, ​a digital portal with over 75,000 members worldwide that is generating a global movement for kindness.  KindSpring supports and provides a place for users throughout the world to practice small acts of kindness.  For over a decade the KindSpring user community has focused on inner transformation while collectively changing the world with generosity, gratitude, and trust.  The site is 100% volunteer-run and non-commercial.  It is a shared labor of love.  ​The KindSpring team is comprised of scores of dedicated individuals located in far flung countries who together send out a weekly kindness newsletter, ship Smile Cards all over the world for free, and generate 21-day challenges to encourage individuals and groups to take small, consistent actions in kindness, mindfulness, gratitude, eco-awareness and more.  

Mish leads the Weavers team of KindSpring, which welcomes new members by sending them messages and KarmaBucks, and leaves supportive and encouraging comments to the KindSpring members and adding smiles to their stories.  ​She grew up on the streets of Brooklyn, demonstrated leadership qualities as a kid by organizing friends to go into barber shops to request lollipops, and eventually went into the corporate world where she held many administrative positions (Newsweek Magazine, RCA Records, among others).  Feeling unfulfilled by jobs that provided only monetary rewards, she pursued a new life path in the field of massage therapy and applied her skills to working with seniors whom she felt would greatly benefit not only from her massage skills but from her gentle healing touch.  She is grateful for having found KindSpring which opened up another avenue for human connection and personal growth.  "I look back at my 'old me' of once upon a time and could cry in deep gratitude at how so much of the fear, timidity, shyness has been 'alchemized' into open-hearted sharing and leaping in spite of fears," Mish says. "Always seeing new ways of being... an ongoing journey. Patience required...patience and faith."  Mish thinks of herself as a "kindness foot soldier" now, although many of her KindSpring fellow volunteers recognize her for the natural stand-up comedienne that she is. ​

Mindy was ​born and raised in south-side Chicago and enjoys a deep appreciation of nature and a love for people.  An inherent joy and lightness of spirit has skipped her steps along the journey (through some dark forests as well) -- taking her to a smaller city and eventually to a part-time cabin.  Mindy considers her greatest life's blessing to be of service and to share her joy of life.  She has volunteered at hospitals and soup kitchens -- and served on the boards of both.  She guides gentle chair yoga for an over-55 class, provides guided calming meditations, feeds backyard birds, and spreads peace through her renowned origami peace dove ministry. Her poetry has blossomed, as well as her kindness confidence, since finding the online community of KindSpring, helping her realize her own inherent happiness.

Join us for this special call with these kindness warriors and newfound "sisters" in compassion and kindness!

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