Speaker: Jackie Ehlers

We're All in this World Together

Jackie Ehlers is an award-winning global educator, community organizer, and human rights advocate who has lived and worked in Africa, Europe and North America.  She has taught students from over 100 countries in every age group from preschool through college.  She has taught in public and private schools, including Muslim, Jewish, and both Catholic and Protestant Christian schools.  She has led teacher training and other educational training programs, seminars, workshops, demonstrations, and exhibits internationally and throughout the United States.  She has also led numerous corporate training programs, and founded a business that led many training programs for both management and personnel in corporations.

Jackie’s own family is a reflection of her commitment that “we’re all in this world together.”  She and her late husband have both biological and adopted children, and have created a multi-ethnic family that now represents Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.

Jackie has inspired and created international organizations, musical and theatrical productions and events, radio and television programs, national laws, corporate training programs, seminars, teacher training activities, and a wide range of curriculum materials for all ages.  She co-founded World Awareness, Inc., designed to promote global awareness and global citizenship through activities and products (including educational board games such as Where in the World, which creates a non-threatening learning environment by which players build upon their geographical knowledge and increase their world awareness of countries and the world regions where they belong, and then progress through learning about the distribution of natural resources, languages and religions of differing countries to eventually being able to tie the knowledge of geography to current events).  She also co-founded Global Leadership Network, committed to generating Transformational Global Leadership through leadership coaching, organizational consulting, transformational training programs and guided opportunities for global leadership experience in order to develop, nurture, and support leaders with a global vision.

Jackie is currently engaged in promoting awareness of and commitment to the fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, centered around social inclusion, environmental sustainability and globally inclusive economic development.  She is living in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA and teaches English as a Second Language at Santa Fe Community College.  She celebrated her 80th birthday in October, 2014.

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