Speaker: Dr. Jean Bosco

Making Sense of Suffering

Dr. Jean Bosco NIYONZIMA is a Rwandan medical doctor and Gandhian working in Liberia to build health systems and provide health care to some of the poorest people on the planet.   The Genocide in Rwanda in 1994 planted the seeds in Dr. Bosco for a deep questioning about his role in Rwandan society and how he can best transform his fellow man. He was around college age at the time of the genocide in Rwanda.  As  he suffered to wrap his mind around how his fellow country men could commit such heinous crimes, his journey for  existential answers and deeper service has taken him from seminary school,  to practicing medicine in the rolling hills of Rwanda to the most remote places in Liberia.  Through intense experiences of being a witness to suffering, he has found a deep well of compassion that guides his work.

He once led a Gandhian style fast in a district hospital in Rwanda to better align the staff with their own values of brotherhood and love.

Dr. Bosco's longterm aspiration is to create a center of healing in his home country of Rwanda.  He wants to incorporate medicine, Gandhian philosophy, dialogue, martial arts and yoga among other things to heal on a physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual level; transforming individuals and in turn transforming the community. It is a Paulo Friere attempt at liberation through education and medicine. Dr. Bosco is an extraordinary doctor and human being.  

We are delighted that he will be joining us on Saturday, the 19th of October for a thought provoking conversation..

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