Life's principles have shown that nothing ever remains the same. In knowing that, we can take comfort in the future as it will be different than it is now. Each moment is different from the previous moment. We are different each moment as cells die and new cells are born.
"Inward richness", yes, I can definitely see where you would think this of the poverty of the US, inward poverty. It is a sad thing but we can hope to make a difference and set examples. "May we all join each other's hands and walk on the path of awareness." Thank you!
Dear Catherine, I went through breast cancer treatment as well at age 53. It truly is a humbling experience to soften and to be able to slow down, to accept help when needed, to go within and explore myself. At one point, I felt I was a shadow, disappearing and did not fear death. It was OK. I wish you well and a healthy life!
Thank you, for sharing
What helps me gently unfold is meditation and coming back to my breath. Softening to what emotions emotions come up, softening to just being there to listen to someone, softening to look at the beauty around me, softening to see beauty, pain, loss, suffering, joy, and happiness in others. It's all part of this existence. If we can alleviate suffering in someway, we must try.
Dear Patsy, your post has moved me and resonates with me. I am at this phase of live as well. Children grown and have all the emotions keeping me company. Spiritually grown and am still growing within. Many Blessings to you!
This tugs at my heart and brings tears. Tremendous courage was displayed by this man to share a wound and sneak the medicine to her. In his heart he knew human beings are beings that need to be cared for, cherished, given what's needed to survive.
This! I resonate with your response, David, very much so. We are all interconnected and I no longer pray to a Being outside of myself, "out there somewhere". I pray to Divine Source within us all and within everything thing that is around us. I journal everyday and it is a form of prayer for me. Thank you, for sharing! Namaste~
Bless you for your very import work you do! I went through cancer treatment in 2017 and do know that had I not had a strong mindset and grounding in spirituality, I would have struggled much more!
This is so interesting to me and brings tears to my eyes. My youngest daughter is struggling and she is the complete opposite of my eldest daughter who is only 15 months older. We raised them the same as much as possible and even gave the younger daughter more of a leg up in her young adult years as we saw her struggle. She is emotionally struggling now and on medications. I look back to when I was pregnant with her and it was one of the most stressful times in my life as we navigated some very difficult things in our family. I wonder if that contributes to her struggles now in life. Perhaps, I can have a conversation one day about this with her.
I think, for myself, it's best for me to write in my journal as I do everyday. I write out my thoughts and feelings of what I am dealing with and usually by the end of my journaling for the day, I am looking for another viewpoint and then trying to write out what I am grateful for. So I guess, I am also using positive affirmations to get myself in the right thinking space.
I am enjoying all the comments posted here. I believe the awe comes into play when we are truly present, in the moment and aware of our surroundings. Paying attention to all things, even the gentle ripples on the water, the little lizards that scurrying about, the butterfly that comes to pay a visit to your flowers, the tingling of the wind chimes, the smell of jasmine coming into the window, the play of light and shadows across the floor. Oh, to look at the world through a child's eyes and see wonderment, as others have said. Thank you for this post as a reminder to keep looking for the awe in life!
"When you've fallen into your heart-beat and realized that every breath is a gift to be received, not taken, then offer the gift back to the Giver, slowly breathe out, and listen."
I love this! It can be a meditation for me, thank you. I am sending you deep compassion, love and peace for your offering. "Friendship with your own heart". Beautiful 🙏🏼
I was with someone just yesterday that I'd had some issues with and was called to come over. I went because I didn't want the tension there and I come to find out this person needed to be listened to as she has so many problems of deep worry in her life currently. I didn't really have much to offer in solutions but I compassionately listened to and empathized with her. She needed some to listen to her so I listened and hopefully gave her comfort and some release of her fears.
On Jan 23, 2025 BarbaraS. wrote on The Future Is Unknowable, by Adam Grant: