Awakin Calls

Exploring inner journeys to expand outer edges.

Conversations with changemakers to inspire deeper awareness and transformative action. Each offering is co-created by a team of volunteers distributed across the world, in the spirit of service and kinship. That's Awakin. More ...

"In a gentle way, we can shake the world." --Gandhi

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Shantum Seth

Shantum Seth

Life as a pilgrimage: In the Footsteps of the Buddha

Shantum Seth received the ‘lamp transmission’ from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh ordaining him as a Dharmacharya  (Teacher of the Dharma) in 2001 and he has been teaching in India and across the world. He has also been leading pilgrimages ‘In the Footsteps of the Buddha' and other multi-faith and transformative journeys since 1988. He is considered the foremost guide to the sites associated with the Buddha and is a profound cultural interpreter.


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Awakin Calls is an initiative of ServiceSpace, a global, all-volunteer community dedicated to small acts of great love. Our webinar and podcast series highlights the outer work and inner journeys of individuals who are transforming our world in large and small ways. We aim to inspire and seed shifts in consciousness by highlighting paradigm-shifting ways of being and doing in the world. We are a heart-centered learning community across wisdom traditions exploring the ServiceSpace principle of “change yourself, change the world”. We organize our processes in accordance with the principles we seek to lift up, and so each conversation is co-created by a team of volunteers distributed across the world, in a spirit of intrinsically motivated service and kinship.

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