Margaret Wheatley 371 words, 13K views, 23 comments
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On Oct 29, 2022David Doane wrote :
I see that hope and fear go together. You hope for some outcome, your ability to make it happen is limited at best, and you fear it won't happen. I know my control of outcome is limited, so I like when I let go of my hold on hope and its hold on me by focusing on action that I believe is right and letting go of trying to control outcome, leaving outcome to forces bigger than me. When I focus on right action and let go of outcome, I move beyond hope and fear, and my right action is my contribution which I believe is meaningful. Letting go of trying to produce a certain outcome is letting go of hope and fear. What helps me stay rooted in my contribution is my conviction that I can control only my action, not outcome, and right action is a meaningful contribution.
On Oct 29, 2022 David Doane wrote :