Zenju Earthlyn Manuel 615 words, 11K views, 13 comments
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On Jul 4, 2022anand damani.com wrote :
This looks good to be reading and not that appealing to live by.
Anything that can not eb appealing to live by by anyone and everyone on this planet is not going to be strong enough to sway the humanuty.
We need the complete picture of something that is done in the other times than the 2 hour ritual explained in this passage of sweeping. There is more to life than that and those things along with the sweeping give you courage and restore self respect and bring the joy of bung human.
Dramatising and sensitizing certain portions for drawing attention is a good trick for a short duration.
Showing the full picture with clarity and purpose of existence will help humanity much more.
On Jul 4, 2022 anand damani.com wrote :