I recently took a break and sat by a pond looking at the signs of approaching winter all around it. How easy it can be to want to quickly remove all the dying vegetation that will nurture next years growth and instead replace it with somthing that looks nice! How hard it can becto sit with the discomfort of dying,, grieve it's passing and just wait to see what springs forth. Many things have gone wrong in our world and need to be allowed to die....political systems.. institutionalised religions.. etc We really don't know what to do for the best... I am a sailor and when in trouble the motto is let go of everything the boat will get itself out of trouble and it does but I have to let go of the idea of winning the race too.
On Mar 4, 2023Valerie wrote :
I love this. Thanks for pointing out patience and allowing and letting go, all hard to do. I love the motto of the sailor!
On Nov 19, 2021 Carrie Sant wrote :