My daughter seems to have in her DNA a natural sense of abundance and a lovely non-attachment to things. She has always given away money to anyone who needs it though she doesn't have much herself; she won't buy new things until she has given away what she already has; When I offer to give her household items because we are downsizing, she most often just says she doesn't need anything. This is effortless for her, just who she is. This is not how I am by nature; I learn from her.
On Oct 17, 2021Laura Brown wrote :
I need to learn from her, too. I have a son who is the same way. I, on the other hand, have trouble giving away things that hold sentimental value for me. I feel like if I just got over the hump by giving away one thing that I truly treasure, that it would open me up to giving away anything.
On Oct 16, 2021 Pauline wrote :