Zenju Earthlyn Manuel 531 words, 16K views, 10 comments
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On Jul 27, 2021Shane K Floyd, Ph.D. wrote :
Manuel's "River of Silence" brought back memories for me when at grave sites where ministers often stated "In the midst of life we are in death." Yes, death serves as that common fate we have been designed to experience; however, it does unfold the newness of the eternal. A diversity of path, depending upon what we hold to be the course of inevitablejourney. Manuel's mentioning of this "River of Silence" reminds us of that next great experience. Man/Woman born, but must die; however, death is that gateway that should not be feared if you aspire to live in such as way to return to the very essence of your creation. I am reminded of a writer who said "Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live and is full of misery. He comes up and is cut down like a flower; he fleesas it were a shadow, and never continues in one stay." "This River of Silence" could perhaps be the celestial shore where man/woman have no notion of time but have been afforded the grace to exist in the eternal with the One who's charted their own unique path. Yes, it can be something to look forward to if we strive as we live to keep our minds affixed upon our ultimate destination.
On Jul 27, 2021 Shane K Floyd, Ph.D. wrote :