Stephen and Ondrea Levine 511 words, 49K views, 31 comments
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On Jul 26, 2021Christine wrote :
It is easier for me to approach impermanence in the mirror of nature particularly of the creatures that share my small patch of ground. Daily the frogs and lizards are scooped up by white herons. Hawk flies through in hopes of snagging a songbird. Osprey flies over with a silver fish in its talons. It goes on and on. It used to really bother me to witness these deaths. The caterpillar eaten by a gecko when I watched it grow day by day. I still mourn for the loss of their lives no less significant to them as ours is to us. This helps me to put my life in perspective of the whole of nature. Though harder for me to understand this as a future event.
On Jul 26, 2021 Christine wrote :