Rainer Maria Rilke 497 words, 41K views, 15 comments
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On Jul 9, 2021Mary Linda wrote :
Before my poems and writings began, as transmissions through me, a deep sadness came to abide. Then one night just before falling into sleep my body entered into a trance like altered state. A noise across from my office prompted me to get up. Only when trying to touch the floor there was no gravity and my subtle body floated through the room turning to look at my body still in the bed. I then floated out of the room into my office, where met with a dark cloud which my hand went through to have it dissipate through the window. Then I floated through the window to fly and sing what was guided as my soul song. I don't remember returning to my body but soon after the poems and writings began. I am working on a second book now. This moving into infinite space changes everything through our greater awareness and realization We are infinite beings having bodily/mind experiences in finite space.
On Jul 9, 2021 Mary Linda wrote :