William Deresiewicz 655 words, 29K views, 40 comments
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On Sep 22, 2020Marie Altman wrote :
Very enlightening. This corroborates the findings premised in A DeadlyWandering, by Matt Richtel. The research around texting and drivingshowed that no one can attend to both at the same time, hence the dangers of cell phone use while driving. Ithas nothing to do with intelligence per se. Along this vein, Fifty minute segments of my school teaching days were painful. Fourth graderswould groan when pulled away from math or writing in which they were deeply engrossed. I let them go for two hours with the promise we would devote the next two hours to the other subject, whichthey heartily agreed to.School should encourage concentration instead of breaking it all day long. Attending to one thing well, one at a time, is most satisfying for the nervous system.
On Sep 22, 2020 Marie Altman wrote :