William Deresiewicz 655 words, 29K views, 40 comments
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On Sep 20, 2020David Doane wrote :
We don't really multitask. We aren't built to do two or more tasks at once. We're built to do one task well at a time or we can do multiple tasks not well at one time. What we call multitasking is serial multiple unitasking, rapidly moving back and forth from one task to another, not giving either or any of the tasks full time or attention. Writing satisfactorily requires my undivided attention. I often write slowly, thoughtfully, deliberately, wanting to clearly write what I really see and mean. Sometimes I get annoyed with my slowness, and Deresiewicz's essay about slowing down and concentrating is reassuring. When I overcome the temptation to multitask, what helps me is knowing that I don't multitask and knowing that my efforts to do so are inefficient.
On Sep 20, 2020 David Doane wrote :