Robin Wall Kimmerer 434 words, 17K views, 27 comments
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On Jun 30, 2020Lawrence Mohammed wrote :
Having volunteered five years ago on a whim for a community project whose concept energised me, much to the disdain of my girlfriend at the time who felt I had neither the time nor space to do this, I ended up starting a separate (and unrelated) social enterprise in order to keep this community projects momentum going. The result? Halting a huge arts and education project I had been working on and had invested all my money in, for something I hadn't planned to do nor something I would have had the courage to do. The head said no, the heart said yes and I simply went with how I felt and what seemed to be flowing 'through' me; whether ideas, 'chance' encounters, funds, opportunities or community needs I could meet. What helps me stay open to possibility are daily practices I have adopted, also the knowledge that the more I learn, the less I know and if grounded, I should pay attention to how I feel. The social enterprise has since gone on to win awards and is in huge demand. The arts education project may happen in the future, but I am neither attached or defined by it any more which has been extremely liberating.
On Jun 30, 2020 Lawrence Mohammed wrote :