Robin Wall Kimmerer 434 words, 19K views, 27 comments
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On May 15, 2020David Doane wrote :
Sometimes we are so busy seeking, striving, chasing, or whatever that even our own story escapes us. Thoreau said when you stop chasing the butterfly it will come and sit on your shoulder. Many times I have struggled in writing something, and it's when I take a break that a better way of expressing occurs to me. I hear of people who stop seeking the right partner, and then find one (sometimes the one they're already with). Seek and you shall find; I think seek means be open, not goal obsessed. 'Looking for' is a putting on blinders, which help in some seeking and get in the way of some finding. As for having the sublime experience of a revelation by being open to possibility -- is there another way? An example, my being open to Eastern thinking opened a new world for me and I continue to have sublime experiences of revelations about life. What helps me stay open to possibility is my knowing that possibility is alive and exciting and is the ground of discovery and wisdom.
On May 15, 2020 David Doane wrote :