Clarissa Pinkola Estes 335 words, 187K views, 70 comments
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On Apr 24, 2020Christine matheson wrote :
Thank you, beautifully written anda greatsentiment to finish by.
Life is never easy, and sometimes we make big changes that are hard to do. Something inside you stirs, and you realise there is joy simple things,and you move forward. You are lucky when you have great children and friends who support you on your new journey. Yoga gave meaning to my life and soul.
In these difficult times, it has brought out the best in so many people, and hopefully will bring more kindnesswhen the world calms down.
On Apr 24, 2020 Christine matheson wrote :
Life is never easy, and sometimes we make big changes that are hard to do. Something inside you stirs, and you realise there is joy simple things,and you move forward. You are lucky when you have great children and friends who support you on your new journey. Yoga gave meaning to my life and soul.
In these difficult times, it has brought out the best in so many people, and hopefully will bring more kindnesswhen the world calms down.