Elisabeth Kubler-Ross & David Kessler 480 words, 182K views, 58 comments
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On Feb 25, 2020Christine wrote :
Love is a choice, not an emotion. Only love can overcome fear. Fear is a magnet. It attracts what we despise, reject, or consider to be a threat to our lives (heart, body, mind and soul) or those we love. I agree with the author on the levels “We choose” because it is the human condition to seek power to overcome. We are resilient. When we face our fear with the power of love, we change our circumstances, we change our direction and trajectory as well as our perspective on how to deal with the most difficult situations life can present. Love is a spirit, that is most attributed to God, a super natural force in the universe, a creator, a deity, a whisper of hope in the most bleak circumstances. Fear is the product of a brilliant misconception that can manifest itself into the most destructive elements that can cause the soul to bleed. I choose love, but i am challenged by fear. Fear is necessary, it should not be tagged as either bad or evil. Fear is part of what preserves our existence, it reminds us of the potential dangers. Fear also serves a function. It wakes us up from apathy and being static. It also highlights great love that is given to us in mercy and grace. I have much more to say... i need time to take inventory of my own fears to contrast where to sow great love in the lives of those around me.
On Feb 25, 2020 Christine wrote :