Christina Feldman 453 words, 21K views, 13 comments
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On Nov 4, 2019Kristin Pedemonti wrote :
Compassion to me means feeling love, care, kindness and empathy for everyone, no exceptions.It means to look below the surface and seek to understand what may be underneath driving the behavior or words of another (and of self).
Perhaps because I grew up in a household with a dad who had multiple suicide attempts and died when I was 22, and because I experienced significant bullying from ages 9 to about 14, I have somehow developed a deeper ability to hold compassion for all, because I have lived on the other side of it.
The capacity to also heal suffering begins, (for me anyway) with seeking to look underneath it, and to also ask, "what can I learn from this experience?" "How might I grow?" How might I find compassion for self or others in this experience and learning?
What helps develop it is to recognize everyone has had times of suffering so matter what their life may look like externally. Since we have all suffered, we are all together. And then we can begin to heal. Acknowledging the suffering is key and needs to happen first, before we can heal.
On Nov 4, 2019 Kristin Pedemonti wrote :
Perhaps because I grew up in a household with a dad who had multiple suicide attempts and died when I was 22, and because I experienced significant bullying from ages 9 to about 14, I have somehow developed a deeper ability to hold compassion for all, because I have lived on the other side of it.
The capacity to also heal suffering begins, (for me anyway) with seeking to look underneath it, and to also ask, "what can I learn from this experience?" "How might I grow?" How might I find compassion for self or others in this experience and learning?
What helps develop it is to recognize everyone has had times of suffering so matter what their life may look like externally. Since we have all suffered, we are all together. And then we can begin to heal. Acknowledging the suffering is key and needs to happen first, before we can heal.
Hugs from my heart to all of yours,