Margaret Wheatley 500 words, 22K views, 10 comments
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On May 21, 2019Ashima Goyal wrote :
The message is so simple and yet so profound... to be curious and to listen more :-).
This passage reminded me of an email one my mentors had once sent me and I'm going to copy a part of it here. It helped me a lot in coming face to face with my own discomfort with 'not knowing'.
"Let us investigate how we cling to beingrightand instead open up to the freedom of being wrong, or at least not knowing. What? How could that be?? We don't tend to associate 'being wrong' with freedom, or anything good for that matter.
Here's what I mean.
When I ask myself "What has created a sense of separation in my own relationships?" - the answer has often been my attachment to my views. My own intense emotional investment in being right can lead me to be rigid and less empathic in how I interact. Being unattached to views doesn't mean you stop believing what you believe, or stop caring about what you care about. You simply release the tight fist of clinging and attachment. helps me take my views less seriously and hold them more lightly. So much of life is about learning - letting go of what we thought was true, letting go of outdated ideas of who we are, letting go of the assumptions we've made about ourselves and others. Rather than a defeat or depressing, being open to being wrong is a vital part of living and learning.
On May 21, 2019 Ashima Goyal wrote :
This passage reminded me of an email one my mentors had once sent me and I'm going to copy a part of it here. It helped me a lot in coming face to face with my own discomfort with 'not knowing'.
"Let us investigate how we cling to beingrightand instead open up to the freedom of being wrong, or at least not knowing. What? How could that be?? We don't tend to associate 'being wrong' with freedom, or anything good for that matter.
Here's what I mean.
When I ask myself "What has created a sense of separation in my own relationships?" - the answer has often been my attachment to my views. My own intense emotional investment in being right can lead me to be rigid and less empathic in how I interact. Being unattached to views doesn't mean you stop believing what you believe, or stop caring about what you care about. You simply release the tight fist of clinging and attachment. helps me take my views less seriously and hold them more lightly. So much of life is about learning - letting go of what we thought was true, letting go of outdated ideas of who we are, letting go of the assumptions we've made about ourselves and others. Rather than a defeat or depressing, being open to being wrong is a vital part of living and learning.