(Seed questions for reflection:)
How do you relate to the notion that holiness or virtue is unself-consciousness?
My understanding is that we are spiritual beings having a physical existence. We were created good from the beginning, collectively as well as individually. We are [created] perfect. Whole. And with everything we need to live our lives with success.
I don't understandit all but I have learned that after we are born we begin a process of domestication by our parents, extended family and. Society at large. Words and symbols are used to convey messages others in the world want us to know and understand, and we take these ideas and live by them. But who we are and what we believe we are are two different things. Who we really are cannot be described with words. Words, symbols and ideas they share with us may help by giving us ideas and if we open up our own imagination, and let ourselves become spiritual as well as physical, we live more completely.
Can you share an experience of a time that you observed the opposite of a virtue in you?
This is happens when we have become robots, and follow a pattern of living by someone else's guidelines and rules. We are not our true selves when we live someone else'sdream or vision. We can only be happy and free when we discover who we really are and what our mission inlife is.
If we live by a pattern someone else has set up for us [to follow]we are not living our true life, and that is living a lie. We needto live our own truths, and by the light and truth given to us by the Creator, THEN we will be living a virtuous life.
What helps you go past the cunningness of your ego and toward the wisdom of nature?
What helps me live truth instead of living a lie is to be aware. And then proceed with vision to shine in the world my true self.
On Mar 15, 2019Jo wrote :
Everyday, I have responsibilities. They are “jobs” I have as a faithful daughter, daughter in law, nana, wife ... etc.. In these roles, I have to serve (selfishly, sometimes, more because I have to and less because I want to)! Over time, I have found that inliving by “a pattern” Someone (God) else has planned for me ... though restricting ... is what I absolutely need!
If Jesus wasn’t given the freedomto create His own pattern (apart from His Father’s plan), why would I be given it!?!
What helps me to live truth, is to know The Truth ...
On Mar 13, 2019 Quacinda Topkok wrote :
How do you relate to the notion that holiness or virtue is unself-consciousness?
My understanding is that we are spiritual beings having a physical existence. We were created good from the beginning, collectively as well as individually. We are [created] perfect. Whole. And with everything we need to live our lives with success.
I don't understandit all but I have learned that after we are born we begin a process of domestication by our parents, extended family and. Society at large. Words and symbols are used to convey messages others in the world want us to know and understand, and we take these ideas and live by them. But who we are and what we believe we are are two different things. Who we really are cannot be described with words. Words, symbols and ideas they share with us may help by giving us ideas and if we open up our own imagination, and let ourselves become spiritual as well as physical, we live more completely.
Can you share an experience of a time that you observed the opposite of a virtue in you?
This is happens when we have become robots, and follow a pattern of living by someone else's guidelines and rules. We are not our true selves when we live someone else'sdream or vision. We can only be happy and free when we discover who we really are and what our mission inlife is.
If we live by a pattern someone else has set up for us [to follow]we are not living our true life, and that is living a lie. We needto live our own truths, and by the light and truth given to us by the Creator, THEN we will be living a virtuous life.
What helps you go past the cunningness of your ego and toward the wisdom of nature?
What helps me live truth instead of living a lie is to be aware. And then proceed with vision to shine in the world my true self.