Michel de Salzmann 495 words, 15K views, 5 comments
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On Nov 29, 2018William Elliott wrote :
Well of course you lead to an essential question. What is aware at our essence and does it need to be attentive? Do we need to stay still or are we beyond the need to be stillness or not still? Unbound from that. And is attention a human quality and not one of Being? Is Being attention? Or is attention just Being manifestedf thru the human mind? I thank you for the artilce it is refreshing.
On Nov 29, 2018 William Elliott wrote :
Well of course you lead to an essential question. What is aware at our essence and does it need to be attentive? Do we need to stay still or are we beyond the need to be stillness or not still? Unbound from that. And is attention a human quality and not one of Being? Is Being attention? Or is attention just Being manifestedf thru the human mind? I thank you for the artilce it is refreshing.