Albert Einstein 240 words, 325K views, 90 comments
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On Mar 12, 2014Michael wrote :
What is the citation? I hear this quote quite often, by see no proof. If you can provide a source, please send it to me:
End of Search Results
On Jan 13, 2016Stact wrote :
Totally agree. Everything gets Einstein's name slapped on it. In what published work does this appear? Thank you.
On Mar 12, 2021Serafina wrote :
I am curious about the citation also. A search showed that the quote "God does not play dice with the universe." is from Einstein, but it was in the context of a discussion about quantum mechanics.
On Mar 12, 2014 Michael wrote :
What is the citation? I hear this quote quite often, by see no proof. If you can provide a source, please send it to me: