John Robbins and Ann Mortifee 464 words, 224K views, 26 comments
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On Feb 15, 2013 Anonymous wrote :
Many saints even admit to having anger, it does decrease with practice of meditation but we all get angry whether passive or aggressive. So releasing the blame, judgment and guilt we store about getting angry needs to be released first. Giving our self Loving energy heals the anger inside. Anger is like looking for the person who set the house on fire rather than dealing with the house on fire first. It's also not something we experience b/c of that one trigger. It's already inside of us about many other things. We need to look deeply to find each of the things which we have stored inside and realize that getting angry at one particular issue or person is just a mere trigger, but anger stored inside needs to be looked at with tenderness and healed.
On Feb 15, 2013 Anonymous wrote :