Anthony de Mello 525 words, 30K views, 11 comments
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On Jul 17, 2018Shyam wrote :
So true. Even when people get unwell , they only look for a relief rather than a cure.
Relief is immediate but the Cure may be time consuming and may be painful too.
We are only looking for shortcuts rather than the mental or physical discipline required for the cure.
Its almost like saying “ O God , I would love to go heaven buutt can you make someone else die for me”
On Jul 17, 2018 Shyam wrote :
So true. Even when people get unwell , they only look for a relief rather than a cure.
Relief is immediate but the Cure may be time consuming and may be painful too.
We are only looking for shortcuts rather than the mental or physical discipline required for the cure.
Its almost like saying “ O God , I would love to go heaven buutt can you make someone else die for me”