Edited by Frances Vaughan and Roger Walsh 399 words, 19K views, 7 comments
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On Jul 9, 2018deepti mirani wrote :
Our perception has a deep impact.. it guides ur actions, behaviours, feelings, thoughts, our vibes and gives us ample reasons to justify it.
we have the choice to be in deep despair or to change the perception and change the attitute, i.e. from despair to happiness.
Only an individual has the power to change and see the percept in different light and to be at a pwerful stance.
On Jul 9, 2018 deepti mirani wrote :
Our perception has a deep impact.. it guides ur actions, behaviours, feelings, thoughts, our vibes and gives us ample reasons to justify it.
we have the choice to be in deep despair or to change the perception and change the attitute, i.e. from despair to happiness.
Only an individual has the power to change and see the percept in different light and to be at a pwerful stance.