Edited by Frances Vaughan and Roger Walsh 399 words, 19K views, 7 comments
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On Jul 6, 2018Jagdish P Dave wrote :
There is a saying in Sanskrit, " Yatha dristi tatha shristi." As we see so is the world. Our eyes are the mirrors and what is reflected in our mirror becomes our relalty. If our eyes are foggy, what we see will be foggy too. Like the authors Frances Vaughn and Roger Walshsay, " You respond to what you perceive., and as you perceive so shall you behave." Our perception depends on what we beleive. Our belief shapes our perception and our behavior. If we keep our mind open and clear our beliefs change and our beleifs change our perception. We have freedom to make the right and wise choice.
Non-judgmental mindfulness of my inner perceptual, mental , emotional, and social landscape has helped me to cultivate clarirty, opemindedness, and acceptance of my inner landscape and the outer lanscape. It has helped me not to react to my inner triggers and outer triggers. It creates a free and open spece in me to make right and wise reponses. Such a way of living,from inside out, has been very helpful to me in dealing with my inner struggles and my tranasaction with others,
May we clear our mirrors of perception to make right and wise choices in our life!
Jagdish P Dave
On Jul 6, 2018 Jagdish P Dave wrote :
There is a saying in Sanskrit, " Yatha dristi tatha shristi." As we see so is the world. Our eyes are the mirrors and what is reflected in our mirror becomes our relalty. If our eyes are foggy, what we see will be foggy too. Like the authors Frances Vaughn and Roger Walshsay, " You respond to what you perceive., and as you perceive so shall you behave." Our perception depends on what we beleive. Our belief shapes our perception and our behavior. If we keep our mind open and clear our beliefs change and our beleifs change our perception. We have freedom to make the right and wise choice.
Non-judgmental mindfulness of my inner perceptual, mental , emotional, and social landscape has helped me to cultivate clarirty, opemindedness, and acceptance of my inner landscape and the outer lanscape. It has helped me not to react to my inner triggers and outer triggers. It creates a free and open spece in me to make right and wise reponses. Such a way of living,from inside out, has been very helpful to me in dealing with my inner struggles and my tranasaction with others,
May we clear our mirrors of perception to make right and wise choices in our life!
Jagdish P Dave