Brother David Steindl-Rast 2435 words, 180K views, 15 comments
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On Jan 15, 2012Tessa wrote :
Another inspiring story is about a woman named Aubrie Mindock who at 15 years old was well on her way to making the Olympic ski team when she took a fall that almost killed her. No one thought that Aubrie would be able to get back up on skis and race again because of the massive injuries she sustained. Despite being told that she would never ski again Aubrie was determined to get back up and go for her dream of becoming an Olympic athlete.
Aubrie ended up skiing her way to college and by 19 years old Aubrie was a serious competitor who very few people could beat. She was the girl to beat on the mountain but another accident at Winter Park in Colorado actually killed her. Aubrie took a fall during a race, fractured her skull, neck, arm, and leg and her head injury was so massive that she actually died.
Medics were able to bring Aubrie back to life and during her recovery she was told that she would never ski again. At the time Aubrie was well on her way to Nationals and getting the news that she would never ski was devistating to her and her family. Aubrie however, was not going to give up and with her strength and determination she got back up on skis once again and even made it to Nationals where she placed 5th.
Today Aubrie is an author of 3 books, "Back Up On Skis: My Journey Back to Ski Racing," and "A New Beginning: Fighting to get back up on Skis," as well as "Life As I Know It." You can buy her books anywhere. Her publisher is iuniverse and her websites are and Her story is so inspiring to everyone and will help you and your children find purpose in your lives.
On Jan 15, 2012 Tessa wrote :
Another inspiring story is about a woman named Aubrie Mindock who at 15 years old was well on her way to making the Olympic ski team when she took a fall that almost killed her. No one thought that Aubrie would be able to get back up on skis and race again because of the massive injuries she sustained. Despite being told that she would never ski again Aubrie was determined to get back up and go for her dream of becoming an Olympic athlete.
Aubrie ended up skiing her way to college and by 19 years old Aubrie was a serious competitor who very few people could beat. She was the girl to beat on the mountain but another accident at Winter Park in Colorado actually killed her. Aubrie took a fall during a race, fractured her skull, neck, arm, and leg and her head injury was so massive that she actually died.
Medics were able to bring Aubrie back to life and during her recovery she was told that she would never ski again. At the time Aubrie was well on her way to Nationals and getting the news that she would never ski was devistating to her and her family. Aubrie however, was not going to give up and with her strength and determination she got back up on skis once again and even made it to Nationals where she placed 5th.
Today Aubrie is an author of 3 books, "Back Up On Skis: My Journey Back to Ski Racing," and "A New Beginning: Fighting to get back up on Skis," as well as "Life As I Know It." You can buy her books anywhere. Her publisher is iuniverse and her websites are and Her story is so inspiring to everyone and will help you and your children find purpose in your lives.