Rumi, as told by Elif Shafak 561 words, 60K views, 15 comments
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On Apr 18, 2018Amy wrote :
There are no perfect human beings. Perfection is God, Jesus , Holy Spirit ... Alone. There are times, however, when the Holy Spirit in dwells an imperfect human being to Have His (perfect) will done thru that person...but stage seven is not a level any human can reach alone. This is why I believe! God's got what I need and cannot achive separate from Him.
On Apr 18, 2018 Amy wrote :
There are no perfect human beings. Perfection is God, Jesus , Holy Spirit ... Alone. There are times, however, when the Holy Spirit in dwells an imperfect human being to Have His (perfect) will done thru that person...but stage seven is not a level any human can reach alone. This is why I believe! God's got what I need and cannot achive separate from Him.