Rumi, as told by Elif Shafak 561 words, 60K views, 15 comments
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On Apr 15, 2018david doane wrote :
The seven stages of the self make sense to me. I think I became aware of being in a stage when I was in stage 3, Inspired Nafs, as I felt some sense of surrender to life and some sense that further growth was to come. In this stage, I was aware that new awareness was happening for me, and I was aware of many questions and had a sense that more understanding was coming. I think I have had experience in stage 4, some brief experience in stage 5, and at least gotten my toe occasionally into stage 6. What helps me remain aware of the stage I am experiencing and supports my journey of evolution is times that I become aware that my awareness has deepened which is accompanied by a sense of satisfaction and gratitude. Based on my own experience, I agree with the author that the journey is definitely not linear, as I have had brief experiences in a stage that was mostly beyond me, then tumbled back, and then sometimes have experiences of longer duration in a more advanced stage.
On Apr 15, 2018 david doane wrote :
The seven stages of the self make sense to me. I think I became aware of being in a stage when I was in stage 3, Inspired Nafs, as I felt some sense of surrender to life and some sense that further growth was to come. In this stage, I was aware that new awareness was happening for me, and I was aware of many questions and had a sense that more understanding was coming. I think I have had experience in stage 4, some brief experience in stage 5, and at least gotten my toe occasionally into stage 6. What helps me remain aware of the stage I am experiencing and supports my journey of evolution is times that I become aware that my awareness has deepened which is accompanied by a sense of satisfaction and gratitude. Based on my own experience, I agree with the author that the journey is definitely not linear, as I have had brief experiences in a stage that was mostly beyond me, then tumbled back, and then sometimes have experiences of longer duration in a more advanced stage.