Martin Luther King Jr. 467 words, 34K views, 7 comments
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On Sep 24, 2011Marlene wrote :
Yes, I like that reading by Martin Luther Kind.
So where did we get this idea of competition? In my earlier life, everyone wanted to the first, the best, competiveness was all around. . At school, work everywhere. Some people thrive on competition. And they love showing off although I don't come across it so much now. Perhaps I'm not around those people anymore.
I['m not saying we shouldn't want to do our best. I think we should. I don't think we need to boast about our greatness if we happen to be endowed with special gifts that make us super at something.
By the way I love this site. It's very inspriing and uplifting.
On Sep 24, 2011 Marlene wrote :
Yes, I like that reading by Martin Luther Kind.
So where did we get this idea of competition? In my earlier life, everyone wanted to the first, the best, competiveness was all around. . At school, work everywhere. Some people thrive on competition. And they love showing off although I don't come across it so much now. Perhaps I'm not around those people anymore.
I['m not saying we shouldn't want to do our best. I think we should. I don't think we need to boast about our greatness if we happen to be endowed with special gifts that make us super at something.
By the way I love this site. It's very inspriing and uplifting.