Brother David Steindl-Rast 2435 words, 180K views, 15 comments
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On Sep 29, 2009Tanis wrote :
When we work contemplatively, we are working in the energy field of unity consciousness. This is related to the power of prayer to effect change. When we work in social activism, we are working in the physical plane to effect change in the material world. We must change both to change the world. This is called sacred activism - working both inwardly and outwardly - to embody unity consciousness and the higher energies of spirit in the world.
On Sep 29, 2009 Tanis wrote :
When we work contemplatively, we are working in the energy field of unity consciousness. This is related to the power of prayer to effect change. When we work in social activism, we are working in the physical plane to effect change in the material world. We must change both to change the world. This is called sacred activism - working both inwardly and outwardly - to embody unity consciousness and the higher energies of spirit in the world.