Paula Underwood 434 words, 387K views, 108 comments
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On Sep 27, 2009susan bradley wrote :
This weeks passage and gathering was as enjoyable and impactful as always, though I noticed that the e-responses on the site here were much more than usual! A very interesting and topic of interest to many!
If I Really Pay Attention... I found myself changing the word my to I all week as I reflected on this passage. The change became powerful for me in my every interaction with customers, coworkers, friends, family and especially my lovely daughters!
This Wednesday evening in the Mehta Family home, there was great energy around this topic. Some interesting threads of thought exchanged are as follows:
How we are "heard" by another and what another person's perspective is on what we say. The gent sitting next to me this evening hit it right on the head with this observation. What he actually said was that it is never too late to reflect upon what someone says and really understand what you heard. He shared that his coworker in a remote office misheard and misread his intent when he was visiting the local office and requesting assistance on a project. At first he didn't get it at all, but later, upon reflection he totally understood where this person was coming from and why they reacted the way they did to him and his request. Such a powerful recognition. If we can slow down and listen more effectively at the moment, wow, what clarity, understanding and harmony we might be able to contribute to in an exchange.
Another sharing was that when we concentrate on the words a person is saying we loose the message and actually the physical experience of listening is limited. Sharing furhter around the room it came to be said that listening is observing, hearing, having compassion and understanding, and feeling with our hearts the other individual.
A couple of people shared experiential exercises they participated in regarding "listening" activities. From corporate training events, to university studies, to non profit organization team building exercises. The information discovered was the same; communication takes at least 2 of us, it requires being "present" with the other person andi n the intereaction, this allows "feeling" the other person by observation, energy, physical expression and curiously the 'words" though valuable and important were not neccessarily the key componanat to listening! Really!!
For me, "If I Really Pay Attention" to my daughters as they share with me about their most recent test scores, or the upcoming class project, or student activity at school, I will hear thier desire to achieve, to make and build good relationships, the anxiety that comes with being a teenager, and perhaps I will realize that sometimes the simple act of listening, giving a smile, a high five, a huge hug and kiss, being available to take and pick up, is really all these lovely women need at the moment... just lending an ear and reaching understanding.
On Sep 27, 2009 susan bradley wrote :
This weeks passage and gathering was as enjoyable and impactful as always, though I noticed that the e-responses on the site here were much more than usual! A very interesting and topic of interest to many!
If I Really Pay Attention... I found myself changing the word my to I all week as I reflected on this passage. The change became powerful for me in my every interaction with customers, coworkers, friends, family and especially my lovely daughters!
This Wednesday evening in the Mehta Family home, there was great energy around this topic. Some interesting threads of thought exchanged are as follows:
How we are "heard" by another and what another person's perspective is on what we say. The gent sitting next to me this evening hit it right on the head with this observation. What he actually said was that it is never too late to reflect upon what someone says and really understand what you heard. He shared that his coworker in a remote office misheard and misread his intent when he was visiting the local office and requesting assistance on a project. At first he didn't get it at all, but later, upon reflection he totally understood where this person was coming from and why they reacted the way they did to him and his request. Such a powerful recognition. If we can slow down and listen more effectively at the moment, wow, what clarity, understanding and harmony we might be able to contribute to in an exchange.
Another sharing was that when we concentrate on the words a person is saying we loose the message and actually the physical experience of listening is limited. Sharing furhter around the room it came to be said that listening is observing, hearing, having compassion and understanding, and feeling with our hearts the other individual.
A couple of people shared experiential exercises they participated in regarding "listening" activities. From corporate training events, to university studies, to non profit organization team building exercises. The information discovered was the same; communication takes at least 2 of us, it requires being "present" with the other person andi n the intereaction, this allows "feeling" the other person by observation, energy, physical expression and curiously the 'words" though valuable and important were not neccessarily the key componanat to listening! Really!!
For me, "If I Really Pay Attention" to my daughters as they share with me about their most recent test scores, or the upcoming class project, or student activity at school, I will hear thier desire to achieve, to make and build good relationships, the anxiety that comes with being a teenager, and perhaps I will realize that sometimes the simple act of listening, giving a smile, a high five, a huge hug and kiss, being available to take and pick up, is really all these lovely women need at the moment... just lending an ear and reaching understanding.