Paula Underwood 434 words, 387K views, 108 comments
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On Sep 23, 2009Gloria wrote :
I collect a lot of quotations. Quotations of those I know, and those I don't. Quotations of the famous,and the every day, words of the old and the young. In fact, it's almost never the "who" of the quote and always the "what" but it's never just the what, it's the "spirit in which" and the "spirit whom"
Paula, I am moved and Humbled, and feel like you've given me,As Shel Silverstein has written, "The Missing Piece".
When you Feel the spirit in which some one is speaking, you feel so much more, It's true. Some times you feel the outward emotion, which might be anger, or jealousy, resentment or hatred, but when you keep listening, with your heart, which is your true ear, you'll hear how that Spirit really feels, You may even feel the "why" of "what his spirit is saying.
It does take practice, a lifetime, but the reward is that, we continue becoming better, and the other shares in the reward.
Thank you Paula, and all of those who commented: Your Eloquence is humbling,and you've given me compounding opportunities to "listen with my heart",
On Sep 23, 2009 Gloria wrote :
I collect a lot of quotations. Quotations of those I know, and those I don't. Quotations of the famous,and the every day, words of the old and the young. In fact, it's almost never the "who" of the quote and always the "what" but it's never just the what, it's the "spirit in which" and the "spirit whom"
Paula, I am moved and Humbled, and feel like you've given me,As Shel Silverstein has written, "The Missing Piece".
When you Feel the spirit in which some one is speaking, you feel so much more, It's true. Some times you feel the outward emotion, which might be anger, or jealousy, resentment or hatred, but when you keep listening, with your heart, which is your true ear, you'll hear how that Spirit really feels, You may even feel the "why" of "what his spirit is saying.
It does take practice, a lifetime, but the reward is that, we continue becoming better, and the other shares in the reward.
Thank you Paula, and all of those who commented: Your Eloquence is humbling,and you've given me compounding opportunities to "listen with my heart",