Clarissa Pinkola Estes 844 words, 178K views, 56 comments
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On Apr 18, 2017Sanda Stalter Katila wrote :
Thank you for your powerful, inspiring reflection—what a safe harbor we have in the midst of daily turmoil and what great comfort it is to know that we are not alone, and we most assuredly have a higher purpose in this world. I will take these words and wrap them around me like a blanket as I move through my days.
On Apr 18, 2017 Sanda Stalter Katila wrote :
Thank you for your powerful, inspiring reflection—what a safe harbor we have in the midst of daily turmoil and what great comfort it is to know that we are not alone, and we most assuredly have a higher purpose in this world. I will take these words and wrap them around me like a blanket as I move through my days.